Astromythology: myths about the zodiac signs. Fire Signs

In ancient Greek mythology, the image of Sagittarius is traditionally identified with the centaur. In myths, centaurs appear as wild and unrestrained creatures in which animal strength predominates. However, the most famous of all the centaurs was Chiron, who possessed wisdom and was well educated, which made him significantly different from his fellow tribesmen. Chiron studied and collected medicinal herbs, prepared ointments and powders from them, with the help of which he treated ailments and ailments. Chiron was the teacher of many Greek heroes. One day the mighty Hercules came to see him, which Chiron was very happy about. As a sign of his hospitality and to maintain a warm conversation, Chiron opened a jug of strong wine and began to treat Hercules with it. At this time, their peaceful conversation was interrupted by several centaurs, who ran to Chiron's cave, smelling the smell of wine and rudely demanded refreshments. Remembering the sacred laws of hospitality, Chiron did not want to refuse them, but they themselves impudently and arbitrarily poured his wine into cups. Soon they quickly became drunk and began to openly mock Chiron and Hercules. Hercules could not allow such disgrace and, grabbing his bow, fired arrows poisoned with Hydra poison at the centaurs.

Chiron thanked Hercules for his help and curiously took one of the poisoned arrows. Since he knew poisons very well, he was interested in finding out whether any medicine could be prepared from this poison. But unfortunately, the arrow slipped out of his hands and scratched Chiron on the knee. Immediately, a searing pain shot through his leg. Because The gods granted Chiron immortality, then Chiron could not die from the wound, but from that moment he was doomed to eternal torment and no one was able to help him.

In an effort to ease the pain from the poisonous wound, the gods placed Chiron in the sky in the form of a constellation.

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In the Zodiac, Sagittarius is depicted as a centaur, which signifies the fusion of body and soul. He has a human head, arms and torso, and the rest of the body is like a horse. Such an atypical physique leads to great duality: human nature must endlessly struggle, be “stretched” like an arrow in order to achieve its goal and exceed its own capabilities. In no case should you give in to the base instincts that relentlessly pursue one or another part of the body. On the contrary, the spirit must be completely freed from the power of the flesh.

In Greco-Roman mythology, the history of centaurs begins with Ixion. Having already become a parricide, he tried to seduce Hera, the wife of Zeus. But Zeus guessed his plans and sent him a vision in the form of his wife. Ixion, suspecting nothing, connected with the cloud. Thus the centaurs were born - a strange consequence of this connection. Alas, they inherited the vices of their father: they were born monsters, and all the time they indulged in debauchery, orgies and started brawls. They wandered through the forests, ate raw meat, and drank intoxicating wine.

The healer and botanist Chiron, one of the centaurs - the same one who raised Achilles, is credited with the discovery of the life-saving properties of some herbs - future medicinal plants. Cornflower, used in ancient medicine, came to be called the “herb of the centaur,” i.e., Sagittarius. Chiron was a wonderful teacher and taught people surgery, music, dancing and the art of war. Later he also became an astronomer. One day Chiron quarreled with his brothers and was going to fight with them. Hercules offered him his help. But in the battle, he mistakenly mortally wounded Chiron with an ordinary arrow.

Like the ugly duckling, Chiron is unlike his blood brothers. He is a sensitive and good-natured philanthropist and is so alien to all atrocities that some mythological sources suggest two “branches” of centaurs: those descended from Ixion and the cloud, personifying blind strength and animal instincts, and others, more developed, born of Philyra and Kronos. Chiron appears to come from this second branch of the family. Other legends claim that he was the son of Saturn, who turned into a stallion, and the sea nymph Philyra, daughter of Tetus.

The attribute of Sagittarius is the arrow, which played a primary role in the history of this sign. It is spoken of in sacred ancient Indian texts such as the Upanishads, where it becomes a means of exalting Brahma. In the Indian Kshatriya caste, the Sagittarius bow - the royal weapon - is worn by horsemen and proud warriors whose duty is to protect the community. Arjuna, Krishna's friend, also has a bow: the fabulous battle of archers is described in the Bhagavad Gita, part of the Mahabharata - one of the greatest epic works of Indian literature, the hero of which is Arjuna (or Arjuna).

Finally, the centaur's arrow is the driving force behind all the epic battles of antiquity and the Middle Ages. A miniature from the Commentary on Ezekiel, an 11th-century manuscript describing the siege of Troy, shows how weapons improved during the siege of a fortified enemy city: the besiegers, whose infantry was poorly protected, used battering rams and crossbows that could send an arrow over enormous distances ...

It was believed that Zeus, the ruler of all Gods and Goddesses, blesses every person, endowing him with a gift that contains some special power that alleviates the hardships of life.

How Gods and Goddesses bless the signs of the zodiac, giving them unique abilities

It was believed that Zeus, the ruler of all Gods and Goddesses, blesses every person, endowing him with a gift that contains some special power that alleviates the hardships of life. Thus, the king of Olympus blessed the signs of the zodiac. It is a gift that makes everyone different, different from each other. It was believed that Zeus loved the human race very much and tried in every possible way to help them in everything.

Myths about each zodiac sign

There is a legend that explains the appearance of all zodiac signs. A fascinating myth that was created in order to indicate the individual qualities of each of the signs. Thus, the ancient Greeks told an amazing story about how the Gods and Goddesses gave each person a divine gift that helps on the path of life.

In a way, this is a blessing and a curse at the same time. You need to be able to accept this gift and grow with it. By ignoring it, you can only annoy yourself. And this will be a valuable lesson that will teach you to value not only your abilities, but also the abilities of other people.

Aries Gift: Honor

The Myth of Aries

Aries is associated with the legend of the Golden Fleece, which is known to everyone. According to ancient historians, Jason and the Argonauts set out on a long journey, facing a thousand difficulties, to obtain the Golden Fleece. Jason never lost faith, he continued to find ways to fight to achieve success with his team. He was ready to sacrifice himself for the common goal. Zeus honored Jason by turning the Golden Fleece into a bright constellation that reminds everyone of his feat to this day.

Aries' gift is honor. He is guided by enthusiasm and sometimes by “blind” faith. Their inner voice keeps saying that everything will be fine. And this is not just optimism. This is pure faith in a higher power, which is why the Gods patronize such people. They may not even see the fruits of their labor, but their creative nature will never stop turning lifeless soil into a green, blooming garden.

Taurus Gift: Strength

The Myth of Taurus

The second sign of the zodiac, Taurus, takes inspiration from the legend of Theseus. He volunteered to be the one to be sacrificed to the Gods. Every year, one young man from his city was chosen to be sacrificed to a terrible monster - the Minotaur. A boy or girl, defenseless teenagers, was dragged into the labyrinth where the beast lived. In this dark place, he or she had to wander through the terrible corridors awaiting his sad fate. But Theseus stopped the monstrous ritual, killing the Minotaur and getting out of the labyrinth.

Taurus' gift is strength! No matter the situation or opponent, they will find a way to achieve a given goal if they really want it. Their strength comes from within, straight from the heart. And they must learn to use this gift. As you know, love overcomes any obstacles, and Taurus craves it with all their being. Therefore, the Gods endowed them with incredible inner strength.

Gemini's Gift: Communication

The Myth of Gemini

The third sign of the Zodiac, Gemini, originates from the legend of the Dioscuri, two twin brothers who volunteered to join the ranks of the Argonauts in order to find the Golden Fleece. They were inseparable and loved each other very much. Together they created a great team. But when one of the brothers, Castor, died, the second, Pollux, was heartbroken. Zeus, who admired the love of these brothers, invited the surviving twin to live with him and the other Gods on Olympus. Pollux respectfully rejected the offer. But Zeus found a way to immortalize them in memory, making them 2 bright stars.

Gemini's gift is communication. Their amazing ability to collect and study information is so extraordinary that even the underworld cannot stop them in their endeavors. They also have an amazing ability to join any social group, exchanging information and finding interesting acquaintances. This is their main advantage. That's why they are called the best negotiators.

Gift of Cancer: Loyalty

Myth about Cancer

The fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer, originates from the legendary myth of Hercules. This hero was called upon to help people get rid of the terrible multi-headed snake monster - Hydra. Hera, the mighty Goddess of Olympus, harbored a grudge against Zeus when he deceived her by giving birth to Hercules. To help Hydra kill Hercules, Hera summoned the King of Crab (Cancer - aka crab). The hero can defeat him, but the envious Goddess decided to immortalize the dead king in memory with a bright constellation.

Cancer's gift is loyalty. They are extremely loyal to their friends, family and everything related to them. The typical Cancer will do whatever it takes to help and will give whatever is needed for those they love. This loyalty is somewhat blind and they may suffer from it. But such faith is rewarded sooner or later.

Leo's Gift: Pride

Myth about Leo:

The fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo, is inspired by Hercules' first victory over the powerful and terrible Nemean Lion, which was terrorizing the people in the area. The hero made a cloak from his skin, which protected him from arrows and sharp swords in the future.

Leo's gift is pride. The skin and fur of this beast are symbols of their pride. He cannot be pierced by arrows, which, in our time, are reflected in harsh words. But pride does not make a person great. This is not an external attribute. This is an inner strength that allows you to clearly separate certain concepts. Pride can make Leo not only strong, but also wise and filled with kindness.

Virgo's Gift: Adaptability

Myth of the Virgin

The sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo, is reflected in the legend of Persephone. She was the daughter of the great Earth Goddess - Demeter. Hades, the powerful ruler of the Underworld, kidnapped Persephone and married her. However, Demeter was so devastated that she asked Zeus to bring her back. Zeus, Hades and Demeter decided that for 6 months Persephone would be on Earth, and the other 6 in the Underworld.

Virgo's gift is adaptability. Persephone, the beautiful wife of Hades and queen of the underworld, lives in two places under completely different conditions. This allowed her to learn to adapt to different circumstances. You can throw a representative of this sign anywhere, but it won’t bother him. Of course, this is still a test of strength, but Virgos will find the strength to overcome their fears and continue to move forward. However, they must always remember who they are and not lose their original purpose.

Libra's Gift: Justice

The Myth of Libra

The seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, was created by the wise goddess of justice - Themis. Scales are a pair of golden bowls that can very accurately measure the severity of the sins of human souls. They symbolize Karma, which is always a kind of reflection of the consequences of our actions.

Libra's gift is justice. Everyone born under the constellation Libra has an instinctive tendency to judge. They are very strict with themselves and treat others without unnecessary condescension. This is probably why they manage important matters and the destinies of the people around them well. This is a special gift that you need to learn to use throughout your life.

Scorpio's Gift: Passion

The Scorpio Myth

The eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, is an echo of the legend about the most talented hunter - Orion. He accidentally noticed beautiful nymphs, the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, the Pleiades. He was blinded by their beauty and began to follow them. They then asked Gaia, the Earth Goddess, to help them. She quickly responded to the call and showed terrible rage, sending a huge poisonous Scorpion, which instantly struck and killed Orion. All faces were reflected in the sky in the form of bright constellations.

Scorpio's gift is passion. This sign is blessed with an amazing talent for understanding their own self, which allows them to do what they truly enjoy. This zodiac sign makes it clear to everyone else that primal instincts can provide invaluable help even in the most difficult situation.

Sagittarius Gift: Luck

The Myth of Sagittarius

The ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, originates from the wonderful legend of King Centaur, whose people were distinguished by the graceful figure of horse and man. It was this centaur who was the direct son of Poseidon. In addition, he taught various sciences, arts and magic from Apollo and Artemis. He had great students such as Hercules and Jason. But one day, he was accidentally hit by Hercules with a poisonous arrow. Being a demigod, he was immortal, so he could not die. Zeus himself loved the centaur very much and allowed him to die.

Sagittarius' gift is luck. It is believed that Zeus himself endowed him with this gift. It’s a little funny, because it’s hard to call the death of a great centaur a success. But the ancient Greeks did not consider death something terrible. This was just another stage that marked the transition to another life. In addition, the centaur Chiron was lucky enough to be the son of Poseidon himself and the student of Apollo and Artemis. And this is already unprecedented luck!

Capricorn's Gift: Success

The Myth of Capricorn

The tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, is symbolized by the beautiful legend of a faithful sea Goddess, a nymph named Amalthea. She was raised by Rhea herself, the mother of Zeus, to raise the King of the Gods. Rhea believed that her terrible husband Kronos (Saturn) would kill Zeus, so she hid him. Amalthea raised the child and fed him with her milk. When Zeus became King, he immortalized Amalthea with a bright constellation. He also did this to remind everyone that some goals are unattainable without certain sacrifices.

Capricorn's gift is success. But this is a difficult gift. It requires enormous effort and continuous work in order to ultimately reward a person according to his merits. It is very difficult for some to maintain such a crazy rhythm. But the main thing to remember is that everything is rewarded, one way or another. You need to try not only for yourself, but for the sake of those you love.

The Gift of Aquarius: Uniqueness

The Myth of Aquarius

The eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, originates from a handsome young prince named Ganymede. He was so beautiful that even Zeus, the mighty king of the Gods, could not resist his appearance and grace. He sent his Eagle to find him and bring him to Olympus, where the Olympians lived. Zeus really loved Ganymede, so he gave him a divine task: to pour the drink of eternal youth - nectar - into the cup of Zeus and other gods.

The gift of Aquarius is amazing uniqueness. In addition, their feature is so interesting that it seems as if they are not from this world. Needless to say, if Zeus himself could not ignore the beauty and uniqueness of the young man, settling him on Olympus. However, this uniqueness can cause some problems. Such people may not be accepted by society due to misunderstandings. And Aquarians themselves do not feel comfortable around ordinary people, preferring to live alone.

Gift of Pisces: Fantasy

The Myth of the Fish

The twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is associated with the scary story of the giant demon Typhoon. While this monster was chasing the Olympians, the inhabitants instinctively turned into animals to save themselves. Meanwhile, Zeus found a way to defeat the demon. When the Typhoon pursued Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, passion and beauty, her son Eros and his mother turned into beautiful fish and swam away from danger together.

The gift of Pisces is fantasy. Aphrodite and her son Eros managed to turn into fish when they wanted to. The same thing happens to people born under this constellation. They easily realize their ideas and wildest fantasies. They have an amazing ability to create illusions - that's why they are so adorable! However, there is a difference between fantasy and visualization. While the former can lead to self-destruction, the latter can bestow true creativity. Both of these forces are in Pisces. Sometimes their vision can help them achieve their goals, but other times their fantasies lead to ruin!

Known for their resilient characters and stubborn personalities, Capricorn people are symbolized by the goat. Ruled by Saturn, the Roman mythological equivalent of Cronus, father of Zeus, this sign is very strict in reality.

Capricorn: common myths and facts

Capricorn is located at 270-300 degrees in the zodiac area between Sagittarius and Aquarius. It is the smallest and second faintest constellation in the sky. Its brightest star is Capricorni or Deneb Aljeti, roughly translated from Arabic as “goat’s tail.”

Capricorn is one of the oldest known constellations, with descriptions of its fish-goat hybrid dating back to the Middle Bronze Age. Before 1000 BC it was described in the Babylonian star catalogs as the "Goat-Fish". The constellation was a symbol of the Sumerian god Ea or Enki, whose name translates as “Lord of the Earth.”

History of Capricorn Astrology

In Greek mythology, the constellation is sometimes called Amalthea. This was a creature that was considered a kind of foster mother to the infant Zeus (she fed him goat's milk), after Rhea, Zeus's mother, protected Zeus from being eaten by Kronos. Others say that Capricornus is Pan, the goat-headed god. Goat horns are also known as cornucopia.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn has an Earth element and cardinal modality. Capricorn is positioned at the beginning of winter, when temperatures drop and harsh weather begins. Those who are dealing with the transition to the winter season must be active, cordial and decisive in their actions. Also a person born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. They are ambitious, determined and stubborn as a goat. They will do whatever it takes to get the job done, and they don't let anyone ruin anything for them or get in their way. This is a tough, difficult season for birth, and people born under the sign of Capricorn are tough people and it is very difficult to cope with them.

Capricorn Sun Sign: Personality Traits

Other astrological traits became associated with Capricorns over the following years, including knees, bones and skeleton for anatomy, lead for metal, and the color brown. The skeleton is what holds up the body, and its rigidity perfectly represents the solid nature of the character of those born under this sign. Lead is a very dense and strong metal, while brown represents the color of the earth once all the leaves have been blown away by the wind. It appears to be a rather desolate landscape, but people will work hard to survive the winter and welcome spring. With such a deep, dark history, it's easy to see why Capricorn (the Sea Goat) is seen as the most serious of the zodiac signs.

Their dry sense of humor matches the dry land of winter before the snow falls. But if you have to go through a difficult situation, then Capricorn will definitely have enough strength and desire to help you cope with it and survive any adversity.

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Zodiac horoscope for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign, characteristics of behavior, inclinations, positive and negative character traits of Capricorns.

True workaholics and realists are Capricorns. Even in childhood, they are strikingly different from their peers in their determination and practicality. They know exactly who they want to be in this life, where, how and with whom to live. They always set specific goals for themselves and achieve them. Excellent strategists, Capricorns always have a precise plan, no matter whether they are going to the store to buy bread or buying an apartment.

Capricorns are completely happy only at work; it occupies their thoughts and time almost constantly. Only by working do Capricorns feel that they are getting closer to their material dreams. Capricorns are conservative, they prefer traditional family relationships, and they elevate their home to the status of a fortress. The home should ensure their peace and integrity. They are happy to take part in the arrangement of housing, observing mainly the principles of safety and convenience.

Capricorns are calm and calm. They accept the surrounding reality as it is, accept its laws and live by them, interpreting them in their favor. Such a sober view gives them the opportunity to arrange their lives with the comfort that they have been striving for since childhood.

Distinctive features of the zodiac constellation Capricorn in the night sky, ancient Greek and Roman legends associated with the emergence of the Capricorn zodiac sign.

The constellation Sagittarius culminates at the end of August - beginning of September. Giedi (translated from Arabic as “forehead”) became the most prominent star in the constellation. In total there are about fifty stars in it, but all of them are not bright enough. Nearby are the constellations Aquarius, Aquila and Sagittarius. The sign of the winter solstice is the zodiac sign Capricorn, located in the constellation Sagittarius.

It was on the day of the winter solstice, according to ancient legend, that baby Zeus was born in a cave in the Ida Mountains. Rhea was worried about her son, because Kronos, the baby's father, devoured small children. She was forced to hide the baby from the wrath of the cruel ruler. Zeus was fed by the goat Amalthea with her magic milk. Capricorn became a symbol of the wonderful savior whom Zeus placed in the sky. The goat's horn has become a symbol of the cornucopia.

In ancient star charts you can find an unusual detail - the long fish tail of Capricorn. The myths of Ancient Greece explain its appearance in their own way. Pan was the patron saint of shepherds; the goat-footed and horned son of Hermes loved to have fun. One day he was attacked by the hundred-headed monster Typhon, the son of Tartarus and Gaia. Pan had no choice but to throw himself into the river water. But his hind legs transformed into a tail, and he became a water god. Having settled in the water, he constantly sends torrential rains to the earth.

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