Aries man in love, relationships, marriage. What is an Aries man like in sex? Compatibility in love of an Aries man

Aries Man(21.03-20.04) belongs to the category of people who lead a hyperactive sex life. The reason for this is the influence on the zodiac sign and the fire element. And even in a fit of passion, he will never forget about his beloved self. Therefore, in their life, connections are often formed not by spiritual, but by physical attraction.

Aries are warriors by nature. Like a true conqueror, Aries man will not wait for the person of interest to pay attention to them. They act aggressively and purposefully. Sometimes the object of their desire doesn’t even have time to come to its senses before it falls into their strong clutches.

In general terms, Aries' behavior in bed is extremely unpredictable. Sometimes he can be a gentle kitten who can't get any affection and acts coy. And in other cases, he will not hide his feelings, and in an intimate setting he can behave brightly, and even at times, aggressively. Excited Aries forgets about all sorts of boundaries of decency and wants to see the same behavior in his partner.

In bed, Aries will not require long foreplay and other romance. They immediately jump into action. They are always ready to experiment. They love uncontrollably to realize their wildest erotic fantasies. They are incredibly passionate and sensual. They do not want to obey anyone, they take control of everything.

Aries strive to dominate their partner; they are turned on by the very thought of power over the weaker sex. Aries can be quite cunning, but due to clumsy behavior, this usually leads to various misunderstandings and troubles. A fairly common situation when the process of intimacy itself worries him much more than the outcome. During intimacy, such a man is sometimes rude and uncontrollable.

Men of this zodiac sign have a very wide imagination. It is worth noting that sometimes his pleasure may depend on the pain he inflicts on his partner. At the same time, the dominant role of a woman is unacceptable to him and he can quickly lose his temper if he is prevented from directing the situation. Absolutely everything should be in his hands and under his control.

And God forbid I should mention that something went wrong. Aries Man reacts quite sharply to criticism, and his flame can quickly go out. If he is told an unflattering word, he can run away to easily accessible women to prove to everyone that he is ideal. In fact, during this period he will be very vulnerable, and any offense can affect his psychological state in the future.

In general, as was repeated earlier, in Aries men it is acutely developed. He is ready to do this anywhere. There are no conventions for him. They are free to indulge in passionate feelings at any time of the day or night. In their personal life, behind every Aries there are many sudden and short relationships. It's all because of contradictions in their heads: they love to be rulers and dominate their partner and at the same time want to see an equally strong woman next to them.

The main feature that distinguishes Aries from other zodiac signs in sexual relationships is straightforwardness and openness. They do not hide their intentions towards the opposite sex.

Characteristics of the sign

Classic representatives of the Zodiac sign Aries have temperaments and do not see the difference between the concepts of “love” and “sex”. They prefer to take the initiative in sexual relationships into their own hands. Despite their outward equanimity, Aries are vulnerable and touchy. They can accumulate negative emotions within themselves for a long time, and then “throw them out” on their partner during the first scandal.

You can keep representatives of the Aries zodiac sign near you only by constantly kindling the fire of passion. It is better to replace a cozy robe with a sexier one, and your favorite cotton panties with teddy bears with lace underwear. Aries prefer the role of hunters in relationships. The process of achieving a goal is more important to them than the goal itself. Having won the person they like, they will look around in search of a new “goal”. But in a love game, the golden mean is important. Aries are not inclined to wait for a long time for reciprocal feelings.

Aries like to be taken by surprise. When going on a date, be prepared for intimacy. A set of shapely underwear, like the heroine of the book “Bridget Jones's Diary,” is best left for other occasions. Aries love to put pressure on their partner, deliberately causing him to be jealous. Be prepared for scenes of jealousy and conflicts, which usually end in intense sex.


Secret desires

Based on the vivid sexual characteristics of Aries, it is not difficult to determine their deepest desire - “express sex” with an ideal partner, in their opinion. There is a short distance between the first date and the first sex. Don't count on long-term courtship, bouquets of freshly cut roses straight from France and dinners in restaurants. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not pay attention to their surroundings. A bench in a park at night, a car seat in a parking lot, a half-empty cinema hall - anything is suitable for a sex scene for Aries. And it doesn’t matter what your partner thinks about this.

Compatibility of the Aries man with other signs

A strong alliance is possible with Libra. Thanks to the attraction of opposites, relationships will be stable and long-term. Aries can build sexual relationships with any of the zodiac signs. Moreover, the likelihood that they will be abandoned first increases when paired with Scorpios, Capricorns and Aquarius.

Are you planning a long-term relationship with an Aries? Prepare for self-sacrifice. In bed, Aries prefer to satisfy their carnal desires. They are driven by impulsiveness and animalistic sexual desire. Aries do not share the initiative, preferring to keep it for themselves. Just suck it up and have fun. Any hints about sex will cause a storm of negative emotions.

Their first sexual experience is of great importance for the formation of Aries’ habits in bed. Carefully find out information to be able to unobtrusively manipulate your partner.

The material was prepared with the help of experts from the service.
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Every woman can become an ideal lover for an Aries man, because the union between a man and a woman is predetermined by nature. However, with this man it is difficult to immediately figure out how to behave, what to say and do, and what not to do. In order not to push him away or scare him away, you need to understand the peculiarities of your behavior with him. For those women who want to be close to an Aries man, this article was written. So, let's take everything apart.

This man’s behavior in bed is influenced by the environment, which he himself admits. A woman needs to follow some rules of the game, for example, create a mysterious environment in which she will look majestic. You should also take advantage of music, fresh flowers and even think about dim lighting. It's easy to do all this, and the result will simply stun you.

Women's activity and initiative!

The very first and most important advice is to be active! You need to be active and take initiative. Of course, all these qualities should be in moderation, since he is unlikely to like being a victim rather than a hunter, so remember the golden mean.

This man is used to being a leader, but if his partner herself shows her strong desire to make love, this will please him and pleasantly surprise him. And a woman should remember that she needs to cede the role of leader to him. Remember this nuance. Activity on the part of a woman during intimacy is a powerful stimulus for this man, so it is important to demonstrate these qualities. If the partner is not emotional and dry, then the man can come up with hundreds of reasons for this in his head, and his own inferiority will come first.

Being a pretender in intimacy is not entirely good, but it is worse to be a lazy person who waits to receive affection and joy without participating in it. Therefore, this man admits that a feigner who fakes an orgasm is still better than a lazy person. And besides, sex is a game played between two people, remember that.

If a woman is active, she shows her partner that she cares about him, and this gives him confidence. He understands that his partner enjoys communicating with him, and this pleases him endlessly.

Tell him about your desires!

Talking about desires is very important, since getting satisfaction depends on it. You need to help him find your erogenous zones, and for this you need to tell him what is pleasant and what is not, and especially what is unacceptable. For your part, it is also important to ask about your desires and preferences. In general, you need to be attentive to your partner. Of course, you can write down a list of erogenous zones and desires, creating a kind of instruction. It should be noted that many people like creating a so-called guidebook, because it is easier than guessing about each other’s desires. This is especially important for men who would like to know what his woman’s moans mean.

However, many women prefer to leave everything as it is. It is not right. If you value yourself and your partner, asking about their desires will not be so problematic. And in response, you definitely need to tell about your desires. It is worth remembering that he will definitely like openness. In this case, sincerity is a goal in both goals.

Confidence is sexy!

Many girls often think more about their hair, makeup, and underwear. But the biggest problem is the extra centimeters on the waist and hips. At the same time, this man is not at all interested in looking for flaws in the figure of his partner, since in bed he wants to enjoy the process, the time spent with his chosen one. He thinks completely differently, and he is not at all attracted to looking for flaws in a woman. And if you think that your curvy figure or other flaws will scare him away, you should forget about it and also try to have more fun.

You should not be afraid of your desires, ashamed of your feelings, or restrain yourself. If you want to scream, you need to scream. And the most important and correct answer to the question of how to behave in bed will be getting rid of your complexes. Intimate relationships are a response to the desires of the partner. You just have to record what he likes.

Don't try to hit him!

Many girls try to impress a man the first time by choosing a special position, buying special underwear or other love paraphernalia. However, if there are no real feelings inside, then all this tinsel will not help. This man will like natural behavior more, when a girl floats on a wave of feelings and instincts. He has a sense that will allow him to recognize lies. If you behave naturally, you can conquer a man forever. There is no need to follow erotic cliches, as this can only ruin everything.

Be emotional!

Many girls are too shy, so they express their temperament awkwardly. Of course, a man may like this, but only at the beginning of a relationship. Over time, he will want more fire. The shy woman will quickly get bored, as it will simply be boring to be with her. To be desired by this man, you need to give up modesty and constraint. A woman’s love should be expressed freely, liberated, screams and moans should not be suppressed. Of course, you should be moderate in everything, but you still can’t be a dumb doll.

Have sex to the fullest!

Of course, it is very important that you feel some kind of feelings for this man because you are going to have sex with him. However, the important point is how well you can do it. He is quite romantic, he likes foreplay, candles and other paraphernalia, but in some cases he welcomes sex as a physiological necessity. And if you are a real woman, you should understand this. In addition, it is worth remembering that sex is a great alternative to going to the gym or morning exercises.

It is strictly forbidden to remain silent with him in bed. Of course, you shouldn’t chat incessantly either, but you need to somehow show that you like the process and like being with him. You can whisper pleasant words in his ear, suggest what will please you. It's so simple, but the action itself will become much more enjoyable.

The love bed is not a place for selfish people. You need to think about your other half. If you think only about yourself, believing that your man should do everything himself, you are unlikely to end up with him again. It is worth remembering that he also loves caresses and kisses, which often drive him crazy. And if these emotions are present, then the pleasant sensations will simply double. It should be noted that physical satisfaction is directly related to moral satisfaction, especially if the man is trying just for you.

Touch him after intimacy!

Behavior after sex is as important as behavior during and before sex. Psychologists believe that men need touch just like women. You can touch not only with your lips or fingers, but with your whole body. Such a touch relieves fatigue. In general, caresses before and after intimacy indicate that there is a strong attraction between partners.

Have conversations with him after intimacy!

Experts believe that the bed is not just a place for sex, but also for friendly conversations. Thanks to active action, partners can tune in to frankness. Many couples discuss common interests in bed and can forget their problems. You can talk to this man about everything except everyday problems, shopping and work. In addition, scientists note that sex at night is an opportunity to have a good conversation afterwards, as well as set yourself up for a good night’s sleep.

If you want to make intimacy with this man more tender, pleasant and affectionate, you need to talk about your love, desires, and thank him. As a result, you will strengthen your feelings, and your sex life will become more varied.

The most important!

All of the above rules are not difficult to follow if you have the desire. And besides, there is a good incentive - a varied and pleasant sex life. You need to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to your partner, because this is the key to a long and happy relationship.

His motto is "I ACT"

Cardinal sign
, ruler - Mars. The element is fire.
Lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
Bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
Good places- stadiums, factories, forests, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, raspberry, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny ones. Purple is an unlucky color.
Stones- amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Happy numbers in the lottery - 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Erotic horoscope for an Aries man

If your boyfriend, lover or husband was born under the sign of Aries, you can be sure that he is aggressive, energetic and tireless. He's a braggart. He may be impractical and impulsive, but he is imaginative and dynamic. He doesn't sit still. If you go out with an Aries, you never know for sure what will happen and how it will turn out. But in any case it will be exciting. You know that one moment he can be generous, and the next moment he can be tight-fisted. He drives you crazy, but you love it.

I like it because a man born under the sign of Aries radiates sex. He has a strong nature, intolerant of rules and conventions. This is a person who is not interested in being on top in bed. (If he still ends up in bed!) An Aries man will happily perform sexual intercourse on the roof of a car, in a speeding boat, on a crowded bus!)

You will get all the pleasure you expect, and perhaps a little more than you can handle. It's a bit like playing cricket with real bombs. Something could explode at any moment.

He's jealous. He wants all of you, even if you can't have all of him. The Aries man is fickle, but he expects devotion and fidelity from you. He is jealous of everyone - from his close friend to the television master.

Don't tell him that you need time to think things over - he's only waiting for one word - "yes." And don't worry about what will happen. His pride will not allow him to break up with you just by spending the night. If he persuaded you to go into the bedroom, he will not allow you to undress yourself. He will rip your clothes off, he is impatient. But you won't be disappointed, and you won't get bored with it. You may have a night you won't soon forget.

You can then say something nice to him - he is susceptible to flattery. But remember: Aries is not a fool. He's just so proud of himself that he's inclined to believe flattery.

If you prefer a more relaxed, homely life. Aries is not a suitable partner. He's an innovator. Although under the external shine of his nature one can discern vulnerability, the call of a little boy in need of his mother’s care. Anyone who is able to consider it will win his heart. He will be devoted, sincere and attached to the person he loves.

He has a great sense of humor and loves smart and attractive women. He is smart and resourceful, witty, hiding his affection for others with the help of wit. He is a capable performer, persistent in moving towards his goal. He may be able to make a lot of money, but he is unlikely to be able to keep it. He loves extravagance too much and believes that by spending money he demonstrates strength.

Your task is to be able to maintain a relationship with him. But you yourself will want it.

Sexual characteristics of an Aries man

The key to his sexual behavior is his impulsiveness. He needs to understand that in a real sexual union it is necessary to both give and take. He is intolerant of rejection of his sexual fantasies.

Don't try to tease him. If you promise something, you better deliver. If you are not going to go to bed with him, sit at home and watch late night shows on TV. Aries doesn't play games. And if you are not ready for unexpected moments in love that you only read about in books, stay at home and take up knitting. Everything ordinary is boring to him. If you want to satisfy an Aries sexually, you must use your imagination.

He will not worry about the consequences. When he wants you, he wants you. If you are involved with such a person, always plan ahead and take care of birth control. Or don't forget to take the appropriate pill. He may have a condom, but don't expect him to use it. He will definitely develop any of your ideas further. For example, if you invite him to kiss your nipple, don't be surprised if he soon starts kissing your belly button. Be prepared for the unpredictable. His desires are aimed at the shocking and forbidden. Aries are explorers. If you contradict him, he gets irritated. The poses depend on his age, but at any age he is young in spirit. He always prefers to dominate.

He will not stop at sadism.

When an Aries man reaches middle age, he discovers that his potency is no longer the same as in his younger years. The wrong word at the wrong moment will lead to temporary impotence - this is a terrible blow. He will react in his usual aggressive manner, perhaps flirting with women half his age. He will try in every possible way to prove that he is the man he has always been. And if he fails, a nervous breakdown is possible.

Be careful with his persistence and his tendency (remember, I am only describing tendencies all the time) to derive pleasure from inflicting pain. He will enter a woman before she is ready for it, just to enjoy, feeling her wince in pain. He is rough when it comes to oral sex.

He is able to complete sexual intercourse with beatings. His goal is submission. Naturally, other signs in the constellation have different effects on Aries' personality. And men born under this sign can be the complete opposite of each other. But they are extremists. So girls, beware! If you meet a "pure" Aries, be prepared to run out the nearest door if his sexual needs cross all boundaries. Or stay and enjoy. It depends on you and your sign.

One way to "tame" him is to use the 69 position. Then you can always say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, do we?" The tendency towards sadism is popular among men born under the sign of Aries.

Compatibility of Aries with other signs

ARIES - ARIES: In the case of sexual relations, the woman will dominate. An Aries man will not be content with the role of a subordinate for a long time. Everyone will try to become a leader, and this will create an atmosphere of quarrel. This ultimately means disharmony in the bedroom. Initially promising connection. Bad prognosis for marital relations.

ARIES - TAURUS: Aries wants to make love under the influence of feelings. The prudence of Taurus, who rarely does anything impulsively, will irritate. If Taurus allows Aries to lead the way, they will discover new possibilities for sensual pleasure. Otherwise it is difficult to establish the desired balance. Communication will cause serious friction. Mutual attraction does not last long.

ARIES - GEMINI: This union can turn out to be delightful, since both are tireless, active, and prone to learning. Aries' tendency to dominate is limited by the ingenuity of Gemini; Geminis have no sexual prejudices, but their highly spiritual energy may seek other ways to satisfy themselves. The connection will continue as long as Gemini skillfully maneuvers. Marriage can calm Gemini down and be quite successful.

ARIES - CANCER: A powerful sex drive is common for these two signs. The problem is that when feelings are spent, there is little left. Aries does not find sufficient satisfaction, and they may begin to quarrel over trifles. A mismatch of temperaments leads to increased incompatibility in bed. The weather forecast for this connection is rough seas, and the marriage will almost certainly result in shipwreck.

ARIES - LEO: Aries and Leo have the same aggressive temperament. Their overt sexuality is in full agreement. Sexual relationships are straightforward, without eccentric tendencies. But that doesn't mean they can't be fiery. Aries must flatter Leo regarding his physical potency. Leo should not upset Aries too much by limiting his innate tendency to dominate.

ARIES - VIRGO: Aries's bravery is likely to capture the imagination of the reserved Virgo. However, their sexuality is so different that it will take a lot of patience from both for things to work out. Aries will be fascinated by Virgo's tact, restraint and self-control. Virgo may not approve of Aries's extravagant idea of ​​how love should be made. The connection will be pleasant, but the chances of a successful marriage are fifty-fifty.

ARIES - LIBRA: A short-term connection is possible. The aggressiveness of Aries may not get along with Libra. Both are lovers of sexual pleasure, but Aries will probably try to go too far too quickly. Libras tend to be idealistic and can become disillusioned. Aries and Libra must comprehend the subtleties of sensuality together. Physical union is possible only temporarily, like a relationship, but not marriage.

ARIES - SCORPIO: Sex may or may not be stimulating. Here are two directions in which events can develop. Both Aries and Scorpio have great physical energy and are prone to action. But both of them are independent and do not like control. Prolonged disagreements will test your phenomenal ability to share passion and remain happy.

ARIES - SAGITTARIUS: Both are prone to conflicts, so there will be plenty of them on sexual grounds. Aries optimism and good sense of humor. They will overcome Sagittarius' tendency to despondency and introduce a playful attitude towards love. Understanding achieved in the bedroom can create a positive atmosphere for a relationship. Successful connection. Marriage will be closely related to the problem of physical satisfaction.

ARIES - CAPRICORN: Aries is a restless, forward-looking, experimenter. Capricorn is more of a prude. Capricorn may prefer one position for making love and even a certain time. He's more reserved. However, Aries can disrupt Capricorn's calculations by awakening a strong libido in him. If this happens, then marriage is preferable to a short relationship.

ARIES - AQUARIUS: The physical connection will be intense and will bring a lot of new things. It is possible that Aries will dominate as Aquarius is more passive in nature. Aquarius will not give up, but will not accept Aries' leadership if it is not in his interests. Aries needs tact to deal with this highly emotional dreamer. An unusual, eventful relationship and - with good mutual understanding - a very prosperous marriage.

ARIES - PISCES: Aries will be intrigued by Pisces' subtle intuition in the bedroom. Aries' lively participation will help Pisces get out of their state of shyness. Fulfilling Pisces' sexual fantasies can cause great arousal. They should have fun and pleasure together. The prospect of a relationship or marriage is very good if they manage to overcome the difference in temperament.

The key to his sexual behavior is impulsiveness. He should learn the reciprocity inherent in a true union. He is intolerant of opposition to any of his sexual fantasies.
Don't try to tease him. If you promised something, it's better to keep it. If you do not intend to go to bed with this man, spend the evening watching your TV. Aries does not like to be played with. If you are not ready for the latest sexual techniques that you have only read about in books, stay at home and take up knitting. Anything that smacks of routine causes Aries to become bored, bordering on hysteria. To please an Aries in bed, you will have to use your imagination and overcome all your inhibitions.
He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, everything else falls aside. If you have entered into a relationship with Aries, install a spiral or diaphragm in advance. Or be sure to take birth control pills. He may have a condom lying around somewhere, but don't count on him using it.
Get ready for him to take the initiative. You can offer something, but, having accepted your ideas, Aries will go further and develop them. For example, if you ask him to kiss your nipple, don't be surprised if he soon licks your navel, touches your clitoris or perineum with his tongue. Be prepared for any surprise. His unbridled nature loves everything shocking and forbidden. Aries men are pioneers, leaders who love to command the parade. They cannot tolerate objections. Favorite positions change over the years, but at any age Aries retains a youthful spirit. He prefers positions that emphasize his dominance.
He will not stop at sadism.
For example, he will not be satisfied with ordinary oral sex. Be prepared for him to start pulling your hair, pinching your nipples, and thrusting his penis too deep into your throat, causing unpleasant sensations. If you are able to enjoy such behavior, accept it without complaint, as it will enhance Aries' pleasure.
Aries' favorite position: You're on your knees, leaning forward. In this case, it may enter the vagina or anus. It might surprise you! Whatever decision Aries makes, he will expect your cooperation. This basic position has a lot of variations - a woman can lean on a chair, sofa or bed, stand on her feet, leaning forward and holding on to the furniture for stability, while Aries will penetrate her from behind.
In another position, in which the man is on top of the woman, you lie on your back on the floor or bed, and your partner lifts your buttocks with his hands and, while kneeling, inserts his penis into the vagina or anus.
An elderly Aries discovers that he is no longer as strong as in his youth. An insensitive remark made at the wrong moment will lead to temporary impotence. It will be an exceptionally strong blow for Aries. He will react in his usual aggressive manner, probably having a dozen flirtations and affairs with women half his age. He will try to prove that he has not lost his virility. And if he fails to do this, a serious crisis will befall him.
When Aries is in his prime, beware of his aggressiveness and tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies) to enjoy the pain he inflicts. He will enter a woman without waiting for her to be ready in order to receive pleasure by feeling how she shudders. When engaging in oral sex, he is capable of being cruel. Don't be surprised if he bites your clitoris firmly during cannilingus.
He can use a whip and cane during copulation. He especially likes to hit a woman on the buttocks - and not just with his palm. He will use a hair brush, a table tennis racket, and a bamboo cane. If Aries finds a masochist, he will not rest until her buttocks are strawberry red and her cheeks are wet with tears. Pleas for mercy will only push him to new cruelties - and more powerful orgasms. The louder the screams and moans he hears, the more he likes what is happening. Sometimes he can leave whip scars on his partner’s body. His goal is submission.
If Aries has the funds to purchase “equipment,” he will equip a separate room with chains attached to the wall. Having shackled a woman's hands and feet, he will be able to bite and pinch her nipples, take possession of her as he pleases. A few lashes will usually subdue any resistance.
One Aries I know loves to play horse. The woman stands on all fours, the rope replaces the reins and bit. He enters his partner from behind through the anus. She slowly moves forward, and he periodically sharply pulls her down with a rope.
Of course, other zodiac signs influence Aries in different ways, and men born under this constellation are subject to very different extremes. But they always remain extremists. Watch out, girls! Having met a “pure” Aries, be prepared to run away if his sexual needs seem unbearable to you.
Or stay with him and enjoy. It all depends on you and your sign.
How to cope with Aries? Invite him to switch roles. Then you can say, “Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?”
Group sex doesn't shock Aries. The more participants, the merrier. I guarantee that wife swapping among neighbors was first started by an Aries man. He likes to demonstrate his sexual skill, and he will always make overly bold proposals that seem crazy to others. There is only one exception. He will not agree to the role of a passive partner during anal sex. Aries will do this not because it seems indecent to him - he will see in such a position a threat to his “masculinity.” After all, this is what “fags” do.
Many men born under the sign of Aries are prone to sadism

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