Totem animal swan characteristics. International Tengri Research Foundation

The frog sings songs that bring rain and make the muddy path more bearable. The help of the Frog is akin to the energy of water and the East. The frog teaches us to respect our rapid movement of soul purification. All rituals and initiations of water belong to the Frog.

Water prepares and cleanses the body for sacred ceremonies. Water is the element that we first perceive in the womb.

In knowledge of the element of water, the Frog can sing a song that brings rain to the Earth. When the reservoirs are dry, the Frog calls on the Thunder Creatures to cleanse and replenish the Earth with water.
Like the Frog, we are asked to know when it is time to renew, cleanse, and refill the reservoir of the Soul.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power "Frog":

If the Frog jumped into plans today, You need cleansing (rest) . If you are: tired, overwhelmed, harassed, frustrated, guilty, nervous, at a loss, empty, or weakened? - Rest and allow yourself to bathe in the waters of the Frog's help. Take a relaxing bath, disconnect your phone, take deep, clear breaths. The point is to find a way to rid yourself of the madness and replace the dirt with clean energy. Then replenish your spirit, body, and mind.

The ability of Frog help people is to provide support and energy where and to those where it is needed. A Frog help person can clear negativity in any environment.

The frog speaks of new life and harmony through the song of the rain. The deep tones of the Frog's song are an appeal to the Creatures of Thunder: thunder, lightning, and rain. This song is the sounds that come into harmony with Heaven and ask for the necessary replenishment. Call to the Frog, and know the joy of taking time and caring for your Soul. Look with new, clean eyes at those things (deeds) that do not contribute to your new state of clarity and replenishment.


If you chose the opposite Frog:

The frog slides in the mud and is upside down, unable to act correctly. Prepare yourself for a lot of dirt in your life.

The opposite position of the Frog may indicate reluctance on your part to endure the swamp outside of your life. Mud can take you from swamp to bog to quicksand if you don't recognize the meaning in your presented situation. Is someone taking (pumping) your energy? Do you allow yourself to slide down? Have you ever settled someone's quarrel and found yourself in the line of fire?

Stop! Recognize it for what it is, this is a dirty pond. Dive deep, and then jump to the next step, which will allow you to see the sun. This way you will see what was taking your energy.

There can be low energy times in life, and everyone needs a break sometimes. The opposite Frog may report one of these moments, but may also herald a time flooded with feelings. You may be dealing with too many emotions or feelings. This should say that You have immersed yourself in one idea or action to the exclusion of all other aspects of your life. . If this is the case, stop! Pay attention to other tasks (feelings). Visit other bodies of water; they also have something to see.

A negative program comes to you when you refuse to give yourself the time and rest needed to accept a new point of view. A frog in the opposite position is an omen that You will attract disaster if you do not stop and rest . Bask in the sun until the rain comes to refill your Soul.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Frog” power in the following situation:

· Harmonization (balance) of society and personal independence

· Prosperity and abundance


The little Swan was resting in the coolness of the reservoir, next to the Sacred Mountain. Having seen the cave, the Swan stopped the Dragonfly flying past to find out what was there and what needed to be done to deserve entry.

Dragonfly answered, “You must accept any future without trying to change (replace) God’s Plan.” The swan, looking at her ugly little body, replied, “I will be happy to trust God.” And disappeared into the hole.

The swan reappeared many days later, but now she was very graceful. The dragonfly was stunned! "Swan, what happened to you!" The swan smiled and said, “Dragonfly, I saw many wonderful things in the Sacred Mountain and because of my faith and my acceptance, I was changed. I learned to accept a state of grace.”

The Dragonfly was very happy for the Swan.

So, the extent to which we surrender to the flow of the rhythm of the universe, the extent to which we receive on the physical level . The help of the Swan teaches us to trust the Creator.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power "Swan":

The Swan heralds a time of understanding and developing your intuitive abilities. Swan help people have the ability to see the future, surrender to the power of God, and embrace healing and transformation of their lives.

The Swan symbol tells you to accept your ability to know what lies lie ahead. If you are resisting your self-transformation, better relax; It will be easier if you go with the flow.

Stop denying what you know. Pay attention to your guesses and your knowledge of the situation, and respect your intuitive side.


If you chose the opposite Swan:

This is a warning that you have become too distracted. You may bump into furniture or forget what you're talking about mid-sentence.
Anyway. The addressed swan says that you should pay some attention to your body. You must be aware of when you are moving away from the ground.

When you are developing the intuitive side of your character, a facing swan is a sign that you are not aware of your transition to other levels of understanding. You have moved into new territory that has its own rules or universal laws.

In the world of Spirit, you must pay special attention to the unnoticed. You may read or sense information in different ways, but it will be gradual. Sometimes this shift gets lost in your normalcy.
Act when you feel "outside." Reconnect with Mother Earth.

SOLUTION for opposite Swan:

1) Pay attention to nature, and touch the Earth with your feet, hands, or whole body.

2) Focus on one thing at a time, stop the internal dialogue, feel the silence, be receptive and open so that the message can enter your consciousness.

3) If you are only concerned with spiritual practices, you should focus on doing some physical activity. Use the reasoning side of your brain to do things in order and this will stop the clutter in your thoughts that can cause confusion.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Swan” power in the following situation:

· Serenity and peacefulness

· Gratitude

· Great opportunities

· A high self-evaluation

Giving and accepting gifts


The dolphin talks to us about the breath of life, without which people cannot live even for a few minutes. We can live without water and food for days, but oxygen is the source of our existence. In breathing we encounter the rhythm of energy that pulsates throughout life. By changing the rhythm of our breathing, we can sense any other life form or being. This is a very simple way to connect with divine energy, as well as with your own rhythms.

The dolphin is the guardian of the sacred breath of life, and teaches us how to release emotions through the breath. The dolphin creates a rhythm, swimming underwater and inhaling before diving, then flying while waiting to breathe in the underwater journey. We can use the same technique to release tension and create overall relaxation. This is a good exercise for entering silence (meditation).

Manna is the power of life. Manna is present in every atom, and is the Essence of God. The dolphin teaches us how to use life - Manna through our breath. This re-vivifies every cell and organ, and removes the limitations and dimensions of physical reality so that we can enter into Meditation.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power "Dolphin":

You must be the link to some solution for the Children of Earth.
This may be a time when you need to connect with God and bring answers to your own or others' questions. .

Additionally, it may indicate a time connection with character rhythms. You must be attentive to your body rhythms and energy patterns supplied to you from the Creator. Imitate the Dolphin and ride the waves of laughter, spreading joy in the world. Breathe and experience the Manna. Break through existing barriers and connect with the dream of the Universe.
Know that we are all one.


If you chose the opposite Dolphin:

If the Dolphin appears converted, know that you are forgetting to breathe. You may be stressed and your body may be in need of manna. You can starve your body no matter how many vitamins you take. Your natural cycles can get dirty.

Attention! to your health and your feelings.
If you're on the edge or just slightly tense, take a moment to breathe life into your muscles. Focus on the release of old breath at the bottom of your lungs and refill your respiratory system with regenerative manna. Breathe from your diaphragm and fill your lungs. Then exhale from your chest to your stomach, allowing your body to completely relax as you exhale.

Another message from the opposite Dolphin is that many signals are on a wave that you have no way of detecting.
The dolphin says he dived deep into the water, played with the coral reefs, and discovered the beauty of the rhythm of breathing.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Dolphin” power in the following situation:

· Fun

· Interaction with others

· Goodwill

· Trust in the universe, belief in divine order

Spirit Animal Power Whale

Prosperity and abundance Expression, manifestation of emotions Imagination Inspiration Harmonization (balance) of spiritual and material

End of form

Totem Whale... Confirm your assignment Trust your path Become your chosen destiny!

The whale is like a floating library, it carries the chronology of Mother Earth from time immemorial. Biologists say that Whale is a mammal and may have lived on earth millions of years ago. It keeps records and knowledge about the true cradle of humanity.

The Aid Keith people have an understanding encoded into their DNA that sound frequencies can raise memories of ancient knowledge. They are usually clairaudient (clairvoyant), or able to hear both very low and very high frequencies. They are usually also psychically intelligent and powerful telepaths. However, often, they do not take advantage of their opportunities until the time comes. Many Keith help people are able to sense God's will but not understand how or why they know what they know. Only later, when they receive confirmation, do they begin to understand how they know or why they received impressions.

Keith's help teaches us to use sounds and frequencies that balance our emotional bodies and heal our physical forms. To understand why the shaman's drum brings healing and peace, you need to listen to Keith's messages. Tambourine is a universal sound frequency that aligns all energy fields.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power "Whale":

If you choose to help Keith, you are reminded that We are the only beings who do not have their own unique cry or appeal. (the cry of a seagull, the howl of a wolf, etc.)

Find Your Cry.
Allow your voice to use this sound to release tension or emotion. The whale reports on the time of finding your origins, seeing your complete destiny encoded in your DNA, and finding the sounds that will release those records.

You can never be the same. After all, you are the melody of the Universe, and harmony is the song of other beings. In using your voice to open your memory, you express your uniqueness and your personal sound.

As you open to this uniqueness, the animals that are your nine totems can send their sounds or messages to or through you. This will open your subconscious so that you can further explore the chronology of your soul and connection with the Cosmos.


If you chose the opposite China:

Opposite Whale implies that you are not following your intuition. On some level, you have forgotten that you are processing all the answers you must survive, grow, and claim the strength for your chosen destiny.

Maybe your internal dialogue is preventing you from concentrating, if so, you need to use other sounds to enter the silence. A tambourine or rattle, an Indian flute, or meditative music can help. Transport yourself to the world of the sea. The flow with the waters of time will answer all your questions; they are the only truth that will guide you on your path of knowledge.

Opposite Keith says that You must want to know . You must search for the Keith song within you. By listening to Keith's messages you will connect with antiquity on a subconscious level, and then, as you relax into the flow of the song's rhythm, you will begin to discover your unique library of recordings. It won't come suddenly. It may take practice, but if your wish is close to your soul, it will be Keith's gift. Send thanks to Keith's song.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Whale” power in the following situation:

· Inspiration

· Imagination

· Expression, display of emotions

· Prosperity and abundance


The Bat is a symbol of rebirth.

The Bat represents the idea of ​​shamanic death. The ritual death of the healer is always included in initiation rites. Shamanic death is the symbolic death of the initiate, the renunciation of old ways of life and one’s own personality. Initiation, which brings the right to heal and be called a shaman, is necessarily continued with ritual death.

Most of these rituals are cruel to the body, mind, and spirit. But these rituals trained Him or Her to endure trials with fortitude, and the final step of initiation was to be buried in the earth for one or more days and reborn without the aforementioned Ego.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power "Bat":

The Bat symbolizes the need for ritual death of some life path that no longer suits your new growth pattern.
This could mean that It's time to get rid of old habits, and take a position in life that will prepare you for rebirth.

In any case, the Bat speaks of the revival of some part of your Soul, or the death of old habits. If you resist your destiny; it may be a long, drawn out, or painful deliverance (rebirth).

The Universe is always asking you to grow and become your future. To do this you must be reborn!


If you chose the opposite Bat:

If the Bat is still hanging upside down in the cave and immersed in darkness, you have chosen the opposite help - an attitude that leads to a loss of spirit and a refusal to affirm your true destiny as a Person who must always use his abilities to the fullest.
Is there some area of ​​your life that has a curse and therefore stops your desire to create? If so, consider why this is happening.

The Bat may also mean that in your natural cycle of rebirth you are trying to go in reverse mode, in the sense of turning the energy only on yourself (getting into the bottle and plugging the cork behind you).

The wrong path can lead to stillbirth if you struggle too long in the birth channel. The final result can be the death of the body.
Some people spend their entire lives chasing themselves around corners with obstacles that are an illusion. By the time they finally decide what to do, opportunities have passed and old age faces them. All their dreams passed on to them.

The Bat hanging upside down says, that you use your judgment, courage, and strength to provide the easiest and fastest access to your new state of understanding and growth.
Surrender to the new life that you have created out of thought and desire, and welcome it bravely if the change comes from today or tomorrow, but not later, because you may forget the way forward.

Folk legends say that you are responsible for future generations because you are the ancestors of the future. Any actions you do or don't do today will somehow impact the next seven generations. Every decision, every thought, is to create a state of stagnation or rebirth for those who follow you on the Path to the Light. If you block yourself, you may block the birth of the next generation.

The Bat flies into the night in which your dreams are born. These are the dreams that shape future civilizations, so cherish them well.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Bat” power in the following situation:

· Revival and renewal

Spirit Animal Power Spider

Trusting instincts Choosing and making decisions Fighting fears Harmonization (balance) of the spiritual and material Harmonization (balance) of mind and emotions

End of form


The spider wove a web that brought people the first image of the alphabet. The symbols were part of the corners of the web.

Deer asked Spider what he was weaving and why, all the lines resembled symbols. And the Spider answered: “Because this is the time for the children of the Earth to learn to take notes.”

Deer replied to Spider, "But they already have images that symbolically tell their story."

“Yes,” said the Spider, “But the children of the Earth are growing up, and their future generations will need to know more.”

And so the Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as he wove the dream of the world that became manifest.

The Spider's body is made like number eight, consisting of two petal-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. The spider is the pinnacle symbol of the infinite possibility of God's creatures. His eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions - On the wheel of life.

The spider weaves a web, and whoever gets caught in it becomes his dinner.
This is similar to people who become caught in the fabric of illusion in the physical world, and never look beyond the horizon into other dimensions.

The Web of Fate also represents the wheel of life, which includes any options or decisions. Generally, humanity tends to fall into the polarity of good or bad welfare, and does not understand that we can change this at any time. If we are not committed to changes in our well-being, we can only live by our fears and limitations.

The spider is the embracing energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Its fabric has hundreds of tangled patterns that capture the morning dew.

If you chose the Totem Animal of Power "Spider":

If the Spider has descended from his web into your boards today, he may be reporting so that you create, create, create!

Look for new options to the existing dead end. It may also warn you that you are getting too close to a confusing situation. The spider might ask you to use a journal to record events and keep track of your own actions.

The Spider brings messages of various kinds when it sees that you are becoming too involved in the ongoing events of your life - if this is the case, plan for the possibilities.

The spider draws your attention to, what you wove has borne fruit! Congratulations! The spider captured you just in time, before you missed the opportunity at the edge of your web or reality.

The most important message from the Spider is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave patterns of life and living through time. Don't fail so you can see the eternal plan.


If you chose the opposite Spider:

The opposite aspect of the Spider is related to the negative side of the woman. The spider always eats its partner when the process is already completed. The warrior in her heart is too strong.
If your partner begins to treat you with contempt or contempt, you cannot trust him.

If you are now out of touch, you may be terrorizing some member of your family or co-worker with criticism. This type of negative criticism only destroys relationships and reflects the flaws that you hate about yourself. If you present yourself this way, you have lost the game. You are caught in the web of your own illusion about who you really are. This may be a time to consider why you criticize and why you feel so weak that you have to attack others.

If this doesn't sound like your situation, take a look at another message: the opposite of Spider help brings a lack of creativity.

If you fail using your abilities, your lack of creativity can lead to destruction. If you feel stagnant and unable to move in a positive direction, you may again become subservient to others who are succeeding. This resentment will become the Black Widow Spider and eat you, and the only one who will mourn your decline will be you.

Get moving, find joy and new ideas in the achievements of others, and use them to propel your own new phase of creative rotation. Observe the Spider's fabric, and find pleasure in the ideas you get from its universal language.

Help from the Totem Animal of the “Spider” power in the following situation:

· Harmonization of spiritual and material

Harmonization (balance) of mind and emotions

· Fighting fears

· Choice and decision making

· Trust your instincts

1928, 1960, 1992, 2024

Men and women born this year are largely characterized by detachment from material dependence, enthusiastic religiosity, pronounced pride, and a very strong attachment to family. They are quite self-sufficient, selfless and a little on their own minds.

According to Zoroastrian astrology, Swans pay tribute to high spiritual values. They are not at all interested in recognition, power and money. These birds are often almost not interested in the world around them, because they live a rich intellectual life - they are more inclined to meditation and all kinds of reflections than to physical activity.

Representatives of this sign are extremely faithful and devoted in love: they make the choice of a companion once and forever. And the environment is usually small, but such comrades treat their loved ones with great love, as they need sympathy and moral support. They may not achieve happiness if they change their path under someone else's influence.

In some cases, a clear commitment to ideals and an unwillingness to compromise makes the Swan cruel. In his quest for justice, he completely forgets about the feelings of others. The most important achievements of our hero matter only to himself or a very narrow circle of scientists and philosophers.

According to the Zoroastrian horoscope, these birds can be easily recognized by their ballet-like smooth, graceful movements and expressive gaze. They are often completely divorced from reality by their inner experiences.

If the beautiful Swan displays the features of the antitotem of the Duck, then such qualities as terrible greed, an irresistible craving for material wealth, infidelity, a complete lack of morality, betrayal and deceit come to the fore.

The years of this animal correspond to the restoration of lost integrity, the unification of people and retribution for injustice. In the negative version - violation of foundations, money-grubbing, bargaining and failure to fulfill obligations.

Swan: celebrities:

Peter I, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Georgy Zhukov, Diego Maradona.

1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050
1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051
1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036 1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052
1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053
1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054
1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055
1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040 Swan 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056
1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057
1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058
1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059
1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028, 2060

(From the materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tengrianism and the Epic Heritage of the Peoples of Eurasia: Origins and Modernity”, October 09-10, 2013, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

The main totem of the Khakass-Kyzyl people was the swan (many Turkic peoples had a totem “ kuu"). This is reflected in the legends (“Khuu Inei (the name and image of a woman in the heroic epic)”), the customs of the Khakassians, Tuvinians, Shors and Altaians and other Turkic-speaking peoples. Thus, the Khakass custom of giving a swan has long attracted the attention of travelers, researchers, and scientists. The first to describe the custom of giving a swan was M.A. Kastrin, who visited the Khakassians in 1847 and mentioned in his travel notes that the Khakassians most revered the swan among the birds. The owner of the swan went with him to his neighbor and first treated him to ayran, gave him as a gift, and the neighbor gave him the best horse. The new owner of the swan, in turn, went with him to his nearest neighbor. Thus, the swan moved from yurt to yurt until someone had to pay for the bird with the best horse. N. Popov briefly but more clearly describes this custom among the Khakass, citing interesting details: “The Khakass say about the swan,” he writes, “that it is smarter and more careful than all birds and is rarely seen. If a poor man brings a swan to a rich Khakass, tying a scarf around the bird’s neck, then the rich Khakass, having accepted the gift, gives him a horse, bull or ram, and keeps the swan until some holiday: then he calls guests and treats them to swan meat as the most delicious dish.

Both N. Kostrov and N.F. report about the same custom among the Khakassians. Katanov, who emphasized that what species the swan belonged to depended on what the new owner of the divine bird would give as a gift. If they carried a large swan, then they would get a horse for the bird; if an individual with yellow feathers, then they would get a cow for the bird; for a small gray swan, they would get a sheep. Having put the appropriate shaloma on the swan, taking with him some wine and some clothing (a hat, boots or shirt), the owner of the swan usually wrapped it in a large scarf, took it under his arm (head first) and entered the yurt or house of the owner for whom he decided to present a swan. He put a hat or shirt on the owner, treated him to wine and said: “Huu törgeni keldi” (brought a swan for a visit). After this, the one who brought it handed over the swan, and the owner of the yurt, who had given a horse or cow for it, hurried to smoke the ayran, tied a new ribbon to the bird’s neck, wrapped it in a new scarf, replacing the one he had left with him, and hurried to take the swan to another owner and also received a horse from him , cow or sheep. The swan was passed from owner to owner no more than seven times. The person who received the swan, but could no longer pass it on, hosted a “ hoo toy"(swan feast), however, the holiday could be made by any owner who wished to keep the donated bird, but only starting from the third in a row. The owner who arranged " hoo toy", stabbed a bull or a sheep, smoked ayran and invited guests, including the man who brought him a swan. The invitee came with ayran and always with gifts (money, sheep, etc.), and thus, in essence, to a certain extent, the loss of the owner who lost the horse or cow was compensated for the abandoned swan.” In Kyzyl custom, after one or another owner kept the swan, the skin was removed from the swan’s neck and dried. The result was a bag in which money was then kept, in the belief that this would help the owner to have money. If the one who received a swan as a gift left it, doing " hoo toy“, they usually told him: “Now you have something to store your money in.” G. N. Potanin made the following assumption: “at first, the swan was bought by those people who considered themselves his descendants, the rate of payment for it was established, the purchase gradually turned into an obligation, and the former bargaining took the form of an exchange of gifts.” Yes indeed " kuu“The swan was used as a “bond,” i.e., it served as a security that shook up economic turnover. Subsequently, this custom among many Turkic peoples grew into payment, i.e., it began to carry out a monetary unit of measurement without a swan in kind. The purchase and sale agreement sounded something like this: “ huun kӧp" = "a lot of money" = "many swans" or " huuӊ per" = "give me money" = "give me a swan" or " huuӊ steam" = "there is money" = "there are swans", etc., ending here «ң» speaks of belonging .

Moreover, this unit of measurement then spread in Ancient Rus': “The name of the hryvnia was used to denote a certain number kun, once equal in price to half a pound of silver.” “However, marks or coons remained in use for a long time,” “so that in the 13th century a silver hryvnia already contained seven Novgorod hryvnias kunami" Also, the fee for a crime was measured in “ kunah" Among the Khakassians, it has been preserved in an archaic form, and for them this view of G.N. Potanin is very progressive. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, a swan was taken to a neighbor or, in general, to a rich person with the sole purpose of getting a horse or cow for the swan brought as a guest, since the custom of accepting this bird as a guest was still mandatory; the Khakassians accepted the swan even from Russian peasants and they gave for it a horse, or a cow, or a sheep, depending on what kind of swan they brought. L.P. Potapov was extremely critical of this assumption of G.N. Potanin: “to agree with such a simplified, casually expressed explanation of a very ancient and complex custom that existed under the conditions of a general ban on killing a swan.” Although it was possible to kill a swan in the spring and summer, but in the fall you should not shoot it - a misfortune would happen. It is interesting that one could even “buy” a bride for a swan, i.e. how the totem influenced family and marital relations, if parents, due to their social status or other prejudices, prevented marriage, then the swan could act as a matchmaker, to whom the future father-in-law and mother-in-law did not had the right to refuse, L.P. Potapov also believes: “The swan acted here as a totem, as an elder ancestor, patron of the clan and guardian of traditions.” The Tuvans had a swan as a totem, about which scientific articles have been written; there are even swan clans Kuular (swans), reflected in modern surnames. Based on the totality of facts characterizing the swan as a totem, we can conclude that for a significant part of the Turks of Central Asia hoo was perceived as a progenitor, whose roots go deep into antiquity to the Xiongnu, which explains such divine and stable worship of this bird, which was reflected in clans, surnames, classes, and ethnonyms of some peoples. The surname Kuular consists of the stem " kuu"-"swan", and plural endings " lar", together " cooler" it turns out " swans" The Cossack estates and the Kazakh nationality have the same nature of origin from the totem " hoo"-"swan", we will illustrate our conclusion in the Khakass language, by the word " hoo" let's add the term " saga"-"strength", the result of the merger of "huusah" - "swan power" in all likelihood comes out born from a swan - the ancestor swan (totem); in the dialect of the Khakass language " saga" has a second meaning as "war", choosing between two options, preferably "huusakh" - "swan power", which fully reflects the meaning of the ethnonym. Consider the following ethnonym “ Cumans” – literally translated “I am a swan”, for clarity let’s turn to the Tuvan language “ kuu"-"swan" plus personal pronoun " men"-"I" comes out " kuu men"-"I am a swan", also means from the ancestor of the "swan", however, like the Turkmens, like the Turkomans in Iraq, " ataman"= "I am the father or I am the father." Ethnonym " Coons"literally translate "swan", "from the swan", "swan children", a clear example, in the Khakass language to the basis " hoo"-"swan" add the affix " now" it turns out " huunyn" i.e. "swan", "from the swan"; " huunynshibischkeleri", which means "swan's chickens", since in relation to people " shchibischkeleri" is not applicable, then the word " is used fell"-" child ", and comes out" huunynpalalary"in colloquial speech the word " palalars" is omitted if the context makes it clear that we are talking about the descendants of the totem. Our conclusions are that for many Turkic-speaking peoples the totem was “ hoo", “huu”, the origins of which go back to ancient times, which then became established as an ethnonym. People coons influenced the historical events of the Middle Ages.

The weakening influence of the Kyrgyz Kaganate in Central Asia and the Khitan invasion of the 10th-11th centuries. forced many Turkic-speaking tribal associations and ethnic groups to flee from the borders of China to the west and predetermined the advancement of numerous tribes from the Amur basin and from Manchuria to the liberated steppe expanses.” In our opinion, the Kuns, moving west, first occupied the vast expanses of the steppes of Kazakhstan and became the main core of the education of the Kazakh people. The Kuns subsequently became part of the Cumans-Cumans, who appeared in Europe between 1030 and 1049.

G. A. Tyundeshev


    Let us continue the discussion of the definition “Tengrism is an open ideological system of the Turkic-Mongolian tradition, the religious teaching of which is Tengrism.” What are the mistakes here? Well, firstly, any religion is a worldview system, and, secondly, any religion has its own traditions. The authors, in my opinion, came to this opinion based on reality. Indeed, at the moment of greatest power for the Mongol Turks, their established traditions and customs were of decisive importance. And religion played a secondary role among them. Those. they could have been both Muslims and Buddhists at that time. This point needs to be explained to the population, otherwise fruitless disputes and misunderstandings arise.
    How is this confirmed? Examples and facts are on the surface here. Crimean Khanate. This Khanate existed until the 70s of the 18th century!!! When everyone forgot about Mongol domination a long time ago. But the Crimean Tatars were Muslims. It’s just that their faith, like the Monogols, was not very deep, although it was still stronger. And here are a handful of Muslim Tatars until the mid-18th century!!! took tribute from Moscow. So all of R. Bezertdinov’s statements that Islam is to blame for the weakness of the Turks are a lie from beginning to end. On the contrary, this example clearly and convincingly demonstrates that if the Mongols accepted Islam, they would have dominated at least until the end of the 18th century. That is. as long as the cavalry was effective. Moreover, having switched to a sedentary lifestyle, they would not have been lost in history, but would have preserved their state.

    • Rashit, sorry, but maybe you can stop flooding this site? Do you need the address of the mosque?

      • There is a theoretical discussion going on, i.e. discussion of terms. The fact is that incorrect terms mislead people, resulting in misunderstandings. I present arguments regarding Bezertinov’s article, which was published on the website and which contains, in my opinion, incorrect statements. Everything is on topic, and I am exercising my constitutional right, just as Bezertinov is implementing his. And you too can take part in the discussion. This is a normal phenomenon when the most opposite points of view are expressed. And you boast about tolerance, but in reality, for example, indiscriminately following Bezertinov, you call all mullahs semi-literate people. Moreover, please note that I am not indignant, although your statements not only do not really correspond, but are simply incorrect. I'm just patiently presenting the necessary arguments. We live in a multi-religious society and we must learn to perceive any points of view and respond adequately to them. For example, both Christians and Muslims sometimes get misnamed in different forums. Nobody even thinks about arguments and correctness there. Mind you, I behave very decently and conduct a purely scientific discussion, and for some reason even this outrages you. So it's not possible. It turns out that if you had given you free rein, you would have banned everyone, right?

    The second danger for neo-Tengians lies in the possibility of creating an occult sect. Occultism has destroyed many countries. But today its danger is only increasing, because in addition to old occult practices, a whole industry has emerged for the creation of special psychotropic drugs. And a lot of experience has been gained in their use. Today it costs nothing to zombify a person or even a crowd of people. We should not forget that the former Turkic territories are very rich in fossils. And financial oligarchs look at these riches with great interest. To achieve their goals, they will use (and have already used) any means.

    What danger awaits the neo-Tengrians now? This is the desire to create your own Turkic National Socialism. They say that we were once an empire. National Socialism very easily arises from wounded national pride. The man is very hasty. He always wants happiness here and now. Therefore, people involved in the issues of Tengrism should avoid the temptation to build some kind of new faith, which, according to their idea, will quickly introduce people to a new country of universal prosperity. This has happened and is happening all the time in world history. Even in world religions, in which the basic concepts have been formed for a long time, fermentations constantly occur. Radical statements by Turkic youth are quite common on various websites. Therefore, I think this issue should be covered at the upcoming conference. It should be understood that no new concepts will change the inner essence of people overnight. If a person is lazy or stupid, then it is naive to think that tomorrow he will become smart and diligent. And the Lord will ask people according to their abilities. The Creator knows that man is imperfect. Therefore, it is important to strive for the Almighty Creator, and not to be narcissistic about one’s merits.

    In a certain sense, the “creator” of modern Tengrism is Gumilyov, who did a lot in terms of research and popularization of the history of the Turks. But Gumilev grew up in the Christian tradition, and then he met Blavatsky and Roerich. It must be said that Gumilyov’s views were formed at a very interesting moment. An information boom began among the intelligentsia. Thanks to the development of railway communication, people began to travel a lot and see a lot. On the one hand, atheism was rapidly gaining popularity, and on the other, all sorts of occult teachings. It was on this foundation that Gumilev outlined his vision of Tengrianism. But despite the lack of depth of research (he was a loner, after all), Gumilyov was not far from the truth. The fact is that, being a nomadic people who had forgotten their original faith, the Turks communicated a lot and adopted a lot from the religion and philosophy of the peoples of both Europe and Asia. It is known that only in our era the Turks in large numbers reached the banks of the Danube twice. And this is not counting other contacts (embassies, trade caravans, etc.) They were constantly in contact with Iran, India, China, the Caliphate, etc. Therefore, ideas about Monotheism never completely disappeared from the Turkic consciousness and were intricately intertwined with a variety of beliefs.

    All world practice shows that man is weak and that he constantly distorts things. what was given to him by God. Thus, people studying Tengrism need to make every effort to understand the truth. What issues need to be addressed at the upcoming conference:
    1. It is necessary to decide whether modern Tengrism is paganism or not? Determine what are the similarities and what are the differences. In this case, there must be appropriate argumentation, a comparative analysis must be carried out with other religions and with pagan cults. Emotions are inappropriate here.
    2. It is necessary to decide on scientific approaches to Tengrism. There are two options here. Atheists believe that at first all tribes had paganism, and then, they say, people themselves “invented” monotheism. The second approach is that the Lord gave people faith and knowledge (including writing) through the prophets, but over time, due to their weakness, people began to mold their own idols out of anything and worship them.
    Of course, the answers here lie on the surface. However, in our society, such cliches and labels dominate in the humanitarian sphere that an objective approach does not always prevail. For example, atheist Darwinists do not react in any way to the presence of their own runic writing among the Turks in the distant past. And they in no way explain the fact that now no one owns this writing. Although these two points completely destroy their theory. For how did it happen that the people first “invented” writing, moreover, even ruled over the world, but did not preserve their writing. Moreover, after world domination, already when science began to spread throughout the world, why did these people begin to worship geese, etc. Where is evolution here?
    I think. that scientists need to pay more attention to the fact that in Altai and the Volga, as well as on the Don, there were many stone idols with runic inscriptions (they were called women). Moreover, in some cases they were very similar to the goddess Ishtar (Mesopotamia). The last such woman was seen by people in Tatarstan near the village. Bayryak during the Second World War. But in Central Russia these objects were destroyed as pagan cults, because people began to go to them and practice witchcraft. In Bayryak, for example, there have always been strong psychics. Meanwhile, these women make it possible to determine the chronology. I.e. these are very ancient objects. They are usually much more than a thousand years old. And at the same time these are already pagan objects. Therefore, Tengrism as Monotheism existed even earlier. Descriptions of these women and inscriptions on them can still be found in the archives.

    The author described the rituals in detail. In general, the ceremonies themselves are devoid of any logic or connection with reality. They are designed for human imagination. The longer the ceremony, the greater the hoax. Most pagan rituals are always aimed at depriving a person of the ability to critically comprehend reality. The more complex and incomprehensible the ritual, the greater the opportunity for the operator (the leader of the ritual) to influence human behavior.

    World practice indicates that pagan rituals appeared almost among the very first generations of people after Adam (peace be upon him). And these customs existed in parallel with Monotheism. At times they took turns defeating each other. Those. If there were no prophets for a long time, then some kind of cults appeared. We believe, for example, that Greece during the time of Alexander the Great was completely pagan. But it is not so. Yes, there were sculptures and pagan gods. But there were also monotheists. There is an assumption that Alexander the Great himself was a monotheist. In particular, when three prophets were once again sent to Greece at that time, the residents of one city began to beat them. But then one of the residents of this city stood up for them. For which he was killed. Pagan customs and cults of various animals arose not only within the tribes and peoples themselves, but they could also be transmitted to them from other tribes. In particular, the cult of the dragon most likely came to the Turks from the Chinese.

    • Islamists seem to talk the most about monotheism, but in reality they affirm polytheism and interfaith hostility. They do this through the statement that only their position is the original position of God, and everyone else is somewhere, somehow erroneous, but they say the true God belongs to them.
      The only and true monotheistic faith, in fact, is Tengrism - it not only claims that there is a Almighty, but it recognizes everyone, regardless of their confessions, as equal before God!
      This truth is best reflected in the documented words of Mengu Han, which he said on May 30, 1250: “There is only one God, under whose rule we live, under whose rule we die, whose honor we keep in our hearts! Different religions are just like touching different fingers of one single God!” (Diaries of Rubrac, XIII century)
      Unlike Islamists, who mistakenly believe that God makes them more people than others, Tengriism has the wisdom to see everyone truly equal before the Almighty, regardless of any prejudices!
      This is one of the main advantages of Tengrism, because it gives people a guarantee of tolerance!

      • In order to study Tengrism and understand it, a scientific approach is needed. Emotional assessments, such as Tengrism is the best, will not convince an adequate person of anything. Moreover, they look simply funny. Of course, you can, for example, like Bezertinov, write a book of praise about Tengrism. But his work cannot be called scientific, because there are a lot of emotions and a lot of distortions of history. But there is a whole science of theology. And in order to argue about terms, you need to know what Monotheism is in general. And it has existed since the time of Adam (peace be upon him). Those. Islam (translated as submission to God) has always existed. Moreover, in each language it was called differently. As I already wrote, in total in the history of mankind there are approximately 120 thousand prophets!!. And they all brought Monotheism to different tribes. Islam, which modern Muslims profess today, is just a continuation of the same Monotheism. The question is that people constantly distorted the faith and invented some kind of gods. And that is the only reason why the Lord sent more and more prophets. Judaism during the time of Suleiman (peace be upon him) was true Monotheism. But by the beginning of our era, the scribes and Pharisees distorted it; in particular, they began to engage in cabalism (witchcraft), etc. For this reason, the Lord sent Jesus (peace be upon him) to them with the Gospel. However, the absolute majority did not accept it. Only over time, the idea of ​​One God became relatively widespread in Ancient Rome. But the Gospel was already distorted. The Qur'an was revealed to people only to point out their mistakes, in particular, that Jesus (peace be upon him) was a man, but not a god. Tengrism went through two stages. In the beginning it was Monotheism, but at present it has no integral content left. It is wrong to say that Tengrism was tolerant, because something that practically no longer existed could be tolerant. By the time of Genghis Khan, the Mongols generally willingly accepted any faith, i.e. They listened to all the people in a row. For they DID NOT HAVE THEIR OWN CLEAR IDEA about God. And they simply had nothing to object to other people’s religious ideas. The absence of one’s own systematic ideas about God is not tolerance, but simply omnivorousness or something else. But in other matters the Mongols were not tolerant. They killed both Turks and others. The question arises - why did the Mongols eventually accept Buddhism if Tengriism was already a real Monotheism? What did the Islamists impose again? No. It’s just that a person objectively needs some system of values ​​and commandments. Due to the loss of writing, the Mongols were so deeply mired in prejudice. Therefore, they were simply forced to look for some kind of faith. Buddhism was nearby. We must look at world practice. When people fall into prejudice, they first begin to engage in human sacrifice, and then cannibalism in general. For example, tribes of Africa, etc.

        • Rashit, do you need facts? - “Record tower.” A court in El Minya (Egypt) sentenced 529 “Muslim Brothers” to death for an attack on a police station.

          ….Tengri Muslimov does not like…. but through their own fault...
          It is better for people to free themselves from such painfully illusory doctrine.

          • You surprise me. Your facts mean nothing. Under Stalin in the USSR (this is quite recently), people were tried without much evidence at all and in what was called “packs”. Although this does not mean that socialism is bad and to blame for everything. Yes, even now in Russia there aren’t many senseless murders and some wild cases. America is generally mired in wars. Under Genghis Khan, entire cities were slaughtered according to their mood. If you dig deep into the archives, Russian travelers described many Siberian (including Turkic) tribes as cannibalistic!! , in which rituals of human sacrifice were practiced, etc., etc. Muslim countries are also different, and crimes are also committed in them. There is nothing surprising here. It is necessary to evaluate according to other criteria. During their heyday, Muslim Arabs brought real civilization (science, culture) to Central Asia. They didn't turn Asia into a colony. No. There was no slavery, etc. Even the Arabs themselves were few there. There were preachers, there were merchants. The welfare of the entire people became so high that there was no one to give alms to. Everyone had wealth. Unfortunately, Shiite Iran was adjacent to Central Asia. And these are schismatic sectarians. In addition, as always happens against the backdrop of universal prosperity, people become lazy. Social activity begins to decline in such times. People are starting to get involved in poetry and music. By the way, you may not know, but it was under the Arabs that the world learned about Avicenei, Al-Khorezmi, the poets Khayyam, Nizami, Firdousi, etc. The cities had beautiful architecture. What did Genghis Khan do? Destroyed everything. What was left after him? Nothing but destruction. Only mentions in the works of foreign writers. For example, I don’t know what modern Tengrians can be proud of. Give examples, please, so that I can also be proud with you!!! Meanwhile, many Russians speak quite positively about many Muslim countries, even though they have been raised for centuries in the spirit of complete rejection of Islam. But the attitude towards modern Mongolia in Central Russia is now changing very radically. Those. a lot of negativity. We need to think about this. And the euphoria from Genghis Khan in Russia has also passed. Although, by and large, Genghis Khan helped the Russians create their empire.

            I could say what a Tengrian can be proud of, but in this case there is no point, because you have a prejudiced Islamic mentality, you would not see the significance, just as you do not see that Islam is driving people all over the world into sludge, into torment, into death, into terrorism, slowly, not all at once, but steadily. Prejudice prevents you from seeing and understanding this. This is a big problem, more than you can imagine, and a problem for yourself, but nothing, you can live with that problem, although not so well.
            The benefit of Tengrianism is that it is able to preserve the free thinking of a person, so that he does not fall into dependence on delusional doctrines such as Islam. Sorry, not against you personally, this is just a statement of facts.

    Thus, there is no doubt that Tengrism is older than Christianity. I believe that it appeared simultaneously with the ancient Turkic runic writing. Some of the tribes living in the region of Ur of the Chaldeans went to Central Asia and further to the East. We know that during the period of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Ur of the Chaldeans was already pagan and the Lord punished entire cities there. That's when people started leaving there. In a new place, the Creator could not help but send people new writing and prophets. Therefore, the first Turkic prophets appeared somewhere around 2 thousand years BC. And it was then that the Turks first heard about Tengra - the One God-Creator. The Lord transmitted through the prophets not only his Commandments, but also various technical and other knowledge. Through the Turkic prophets this knowledge came to China. It is interesting that leading a largely nomadic lifestyle (or having switched to a nomadic lifestyle), the Turks began to forget their writing and the knowledge received from God. But the Chinese preserved it (knowledge). And subsequently the Turks began to receive their own knowledge back from the Chinese.

    The author did not mention how Tengre and the swan cult relate. Based on the article, we can conclude that the Khakass and Tuvans did not worship Tengra already in the 10th century. Back in the 6th and 7th centuries, Constantinople ambassadors even noted the customs of human sacrifice among a number of Turkic tribes. Comparing the various myths set forth in recent articles on this site, we can assume that the heyday of Tengrism occurred in BC. And in our era there was no longer unity among the Turkic tribes in matters of faith.

    It should be noted that totems in certain tribes appeared as a result of the activities of shamans (sorcerers). The same hypnotists begin by “tying” a person’s perception to some object. Through this, a person is introduced into a certain imaginary world. And then it can already be controlled. When a totem appears in a tribe, the task of managing the corresponding tribe on the part of the shaman (sorcerer) is greatly simplified, because the entire crowd itself already configures its imagination in advance. But the “controllability” of such a society is only relative, because the shaman (hypnotist, sorcerer) is in fact an ordinary person and cannot predict the entire situation and see the final outcome. As a result, destructive processes begin in society. This was well demonstrated by the communists. First they shot a lot of sorcerers and magicians. Being materialists, they zealously persecuted the occultists. But under Gorbachev, a golden age began for magicians. Dzhuna, Kashpirovsky, Chumak and a host of others began to manipulate society. Of course, there were certain forces behind them that the public does not know. But we know the result. The people were first brought into a state of rebellion, and then into a state of dullness and submission. And the country fell apart. At the same time, it is unlikely that Chumak, Dzhuna and Kashpirovsky wanted such a result and desired it. They were also manipulated like dolls. After all, such things were described in the Old Testament, i.e. These are the devil's tried and true tricks. When shamanism blossomed in Siberia, only 800 Cossacks conquered the vast space. The Muslims only resisted a little at first. But there were few of them, and the faith was not so strong, because there were a large mass of pagans around (this is in the Tyumen region).

    It seems like some interesting statistics are emerging. The Buryats don't seem to be as interested in Tengri because they are Buddhists. But the Khakass, apparently, come more often. I judge by the traffic to individual articles. Most likely, even in Mongolia Tengri (mostly Buddhists) know very little. So it is in vain that R. Bezertinov accuses Muslims that because of them Tengriism has fallen into decay. On the contrary, it is Muslims who gravitate towards unification. It was they who, for the most part, raised the topic of Tengrism, since the presence in pre-Koranic times of their own monotheistic religion (meaning their own prophets and commandments in their own language, for example, Noah was not a Semitic) does not contradict Islam. Based on these beliefs and the common language, Muslims welcomed the unification of the once united Turkic people. However, this process was led by ardent nationalists who needed to show the superiority of their nation at any cost. But the Lord does not like those who are arrogant. In fact, racism also contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Therefore, extreme radicalism will lead nowhere. This must be understood.

    Continuing the topic of the terms “Tengrism” and “Tengrism”, I would like to draw the attention of the authors of that article to the fact that, in fact, in both cases the key word is “Tengre”. Simply due to the uniqueness of this word for the Russian language, in accordance with the rules of the latter, you can speak this way and that way. But, for example, Marxism cannot be called Marxianism or Voltairianism – Voltaireism. The point here is simply the cacophony of certain forms of foreign words. Although Tengrism, of course, sounds less attractive than Tengrism. But you can define Tengrism or Tengrism (understanding their identity) differently depending on your own beliefs. An atheist Darwinist, having compared, for example, the epic heritage of the Buryats or Khakass (in particular, the cult of the swan, which is discussed in this article) with the totemic ideas of other peoples, will come to the logical conclusion that this is banal paganism. Although, in my opinion, Tenegrianism has a certain uniqueness. But it’s difficult to talk about uniqueness here in 10 lines, especially after the end of the frame the letters begin to jump. I'm just tired.

    “Tengrism is an open ideological system of the Turkic-Mongolian tradition, the religious teaching of which is Tengrism.” I took this from an article about the basics of Tengrism. It seems that at the upcoming conference scientists will need to return to this position. Lena Valerievna told me that this is not the author’s opinion, but a collective approach. Didn’t they get “butter oil”. After all, religion in itself is an open ideological system. Open, because in any religion there are theological schools, but the rest is clear without explanation. Definitions, as Mark and Engels said, are of great importance. Looking through the authors' articles on the site, I see some vagueness and inconsistency. And this indicates the lack of POTENTITY in modern Tengrism. It is no coincidence, apparently, that there is absolutely no discussion on the site yet, few people come to it. Although the site itself is very benign. Without identifying the potential of Tengrism, scientists will work for the basket. By potential, I don’t mean abstract talk about the imaginary advantages and superiority of Tengrism, they say, this is all the same, but something much more important that can help people establish justice and equality on earth.

    It only remains to add that Turkic tribes in pagan times usually embroidered “their” bird on their horsetail banners. And those around, looking at the embroidery on the banner, called the corresponding people by the name of the bird on the banner. Thus, it turned out that the determining factor for the tribes was belonging to one or another clan (banner). The “alien” was sometimes very often destroyed without making any claims or accusations. That is why internecine wars took place so often in the Turkic world. The same Polovtsy disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace, although they existed only 800 years ago. It is useful to make the following comparison. Russian tribes also fought among themselves until they adopted Christianity. True, baptism did not take place peacefully everywhere. We read at school how “Putyata baptized with fire and sword.” However, even forced baptism turned out to be of great benefit for Christians. With a comparable number of Slavs and Turks in those days, after baptism (i.e., the acceptance of Monotheism, at least, as we Muslims believe, in an incomplete form), the Slavs easily conquered the lands of the Turks. True, forced baptism was subsequently counteracted by unbridled atheism and the Bolsheviks taking out their anger on believers. But nevertheless, the foundation of statehood has so far stood. In this regard, Islam clearly does not accept forced conversion. For faith is a deeply personal matter for every person. But the Lord accepts only sincere faith. Of course, it can be unequivocally stated that if the Muslim Turks began to forcibly convert people to their faith, then the Turks, as a single powerful nation, would still dominate the Eurasian continent. However, it seems that insincerity in faith would still lead to atezim. Therefore, it’s better to let everything remain as it is. For it is not the nation that makes the man, but the man the nation.

    There are some aspects that we have not yet seen in the materials discussed at the conference. We do not see any moral and ethical standards yet. The same Rafael Bezertinov wrote about the need to unite the Turks. But on what basis can unification take place? Only on the basis of common values ​​and norms. Yes, for example, Muslims and Christians have been at enmity with each other for quite a long time. But now the understanding is gradually coming that we, in fact, are talking about the same God the Creator. Moreover, all secular laws are based on the tenets of the Bible and the Koran. Yes, there is a difference in prayers, fasting, and other religious rituals. But they do not interfere with mutual communication in any way. As a matter of fact, in Muslim countries Christians have always felt more free than Muslims in Christian countries, because for Muslims Jesus (peace be upon him) is a respected and penultimate prophet. But now Christians are beginning to take a more relaxed attitude towards Islam. They even accept Islam. Thus, the rapprochement of peoples is possible only on the basis of universal human values. And, of course, it is a pity if peoples with similar languages ​​have different values.

    Rafael Bezertinov, the author of one of the previous articles, should, of course, carefully read the articles of his colleagues. After all, he is trying to convince the Tatars that the basis of modern Tengrism is Monotheism. For 70 years, atheists have convinced everyone that Monotheism is a more developed form of religion in relation to polytheism. Therefore, in the early 90s, when the Tatars somewhere out of the corner of their ears heard about Tengrism and that this is an more ancient form of Monotheism, then, because of their overflowing pride and conceit, they began to classify themselves as Tengrians. They say that they accepted Monotheism even before the Jews. After all, the Koran says that Islam as a religion has existed since the time of Adam (peace be upon him), and that the Lord constantly sent prophets to humanity (there were about 120,000 people in total). People simply constantly forgot about the commandments and fell into the sin of polytheism. But as we can see from the materials of the conference of modern Tengriists, at present they cannot be classified as monotheists. Yes, apparently, there exists somewhere a certain set of legends about the existence of the One God the Creator and about his commandments. But for now we see mostly earthly characters like the swan, etc., in the role of creator or co-creator. Which, of course, cannot be recognized as Monotheism.

    Yes, if the Khakass had a swan totem already in the 10th century, then the range of deities among the Turks was very large. After all, even before Genghis Khan, a number of tribes had a gyrfalcon (falcon), which was embroidered on banners. I think that modern researchers of Tengrism should pay more attention to such issues as the underdevelopment of abstract, dialectical thinking among the nomadic Turks. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the ancient Greeks, despite the fact that they and among them were many pagan polytheists, had developed abstract thinking. This allowed them to develop mathematics and engage in philosophy. Moreover, the thoughts of Plato or Aristotle have not lost their relevance to this day. But having followed the path of further deepening paganism, the Greeks came to a deep crisis in literally all areas. Only Christianity straightened them out a little. However, even such a powerful people in our era could no longer do anything remarkable. The development of abstract, dialectical thinking is a question of the survival of a particular people in modern conditions. The Creator God created all people equal in ability. Deviations, if any, are small. But everyone chooses the future path for themselves. And in this regard, the path of the main totem of the swan, it seems, turned out to be far from the most successful in the sense that it did not bring prosperity to its fans.

Came in meditation. In a beautiful forest with extraordinary colors. Everything breathed greenness and freshness. The third day I am impressed. You needed to see your totem. For some reason I imagined a cat, well, I thought, I love cats - that means this is my totem.

An no. It turns out that everything is different there. I saw a beautiful white Swan. And I didn’t want to leave the forest at all. It was so wonderful there. I can’t describe it with a pen, in general.

And today it turns out that this is my totem.

Moreover, my Kin 39 Blue Storm (according to the Mayans) for some reason coincided with totem No. 39 Swan. I just discovered it from the Internet. Strange coincidence....

Maybe there really is something to this?

Every person has totem animals or powers that help a person on his Earthly Path.
These animals represent the abilities of each person.

Swan Totem

Accept the gift of grace
Surrender to the flow
Don't refuse the highest gifts!

The Swan is not only a totem of Protection, but also a talisman and a sign of good luck. The swan is a female talisman. A talisman in the form of this bird imparts charm and delicate taste, helps to find loved ones and friends who will be devoted and faithful. The swan symbolizes purity and impeccability, so the talisman will allow you to achieve your own perfection.

If you chose Totem Belly new Powers "Swan":

The Swan heralds a time of understanding and developing your intuitive abilities. Swan help people have the ability to see the future, surrender to the power of God, and embrace healing and transformation of their lives.

The Swan symbol tells you to accept your ability to know what lies lie ahead. If you are resisting your self-transformation, better relax; It will be easier if you go with the flow.

Stop denying what you know . Pay attention to your guesses and your knowledge of the situation, and respect your intuitive side.

In the world of Spirit, you must pay special attention to the unnoticed. You may read or sense information in different ways, but it will be gradual. Sometimes this shift gets lost in your normalcy.
Act when you feel "outside." Reconnect with Mother Earth.


1) Pay attention to nature, and touch the Earth with your feet, hands, or whole body.

2) Focus on one thing at a time, stop the internal dialogue, feel the silence, be receptive and open so that the message can enter your consciousness.

3) If you are only concerned with spiritual practices, you should focus on doing some physical activity. Use the reasoning side of your brain to do things in order and this will stop the clutter in your thoughts that can cause confusion.

Totem Swan...

Accept the gift of grace
Surrender to the flow
Don't refuse the highest gifts!


The little Swan was resting in the coolness of the reservoir, next to the Sacred Mountain. Having seen the cave, the Swan stopped the Dragonfly flying past to find out what was there and what needed to be done to deserve entry. The dragonfly answered, “You must accept any future without trying to change (replace) God’s Plan.” The swan, looking at her ugly little body, replied, “I will be happy to trust God.” And disappeared into the hole.
The swan reappeared many days later, but now she was very graceful. The dragonfly was stunned! “Swan, what happened to you!” The swan smiled and said, “Dragonfly, I saw many wonderful things in the Sacred Mountain and because of my faith and my acceptance, I was changed. I have learned to accept a state of grace.”
The Dragonfly was very happy for the Swan.

So, the extent to which we surrender to the flow of the rhythm of the universe, the extent to which we receive on the physical level . The help of the Swan teaches us to trust the Creator.

If you have chosen the Totem Animal of Power “Swan”:

The Swan heralds a time of understanding and developing your intuitive abilities. Swan help people have the ability to see the future, surrender to the power of God, and embrace healing and transformation of their lives.

The Swan symbol tells you to accept your ability to know what lies lie ahead. If you are resisting your self-transformation, better relax; It will be easier if you go with the flow.

Stop denying what you know . Pay attention to your guesses and your knowledge of the situation, and respect your intuitive side.


If you chose the opposite Swan:

This is a warning that you have become too distracted. You may bump into furniture or forget what you're talking about mid-sentence.
Anyway. The addressed swan says that you should pay some attention to your body. You must be aware of when you are moving away from the ground.
When you are developing the intuitive side of your character, an inverted swan is a sign that you are not aware of your transition to other levels of understanding. You have moved into new territory that has its own rules or universal laws.
In the world of Spirit, you must pay special attention to the unnoticed. You may read or sense information in different ways, but it will be gradual. Sometimes this shift gets lost in your normalcy.
Act when you feel "outside." Reconnect with Mother Earth.

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