Zodiac sign Aries: dates of birth. Zodiac sign Aries

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac circle.

And the most important among the properties of a person in whose horoscope this sign is clearly highlighted, that is, when several planets fall into it, is precisely that he loves to be the first in everything.

The first to learn something, the first to master something, the first to present an idea, the first to master some activity, in general, to be the first to reach the finish line in any task.

Element of the Zodiac sign Aries

Aries, like Leo and Sagittarius, belong to the fire element.

All of these signs are masculine, which means they all have similar characteristics characteristic of the masculine polarity, namely: the desire to rise above the environment through the manifestation of strength, power and will.

People whose Sun is in fire signs are active, open and independent, and quickly make decisions. They have an immediate reaction.

In addition, belonging to this element will give them all common fiery qualities: ardor, the desire to conquer new spaces and territories, areas of knowledge.

If we compare the situation with natural fire, we know that it rarely burns with constant intensity.

The flame becomes strong when new fuel enters the fire, and as it burns, the fire reduces its strength.

The emergence of new ideas serves as such fuel for them, and fiery people are characterized by impulsiveness and irascibility. They are not able to engage in any one activity for a long time and with the same intensity.

Living fire in a fire or in a stove always affects a person emotionally, causing either joy or, if handled carelessly, pain.

People with a well-developed element of Fire in the horoscope are also characterized by emotionality, which usually manifests itself in high spirits, but in other situations they may succumb to irritability or show rudeness and harshness.

In nature, fire is always noticeable and visible from afar; the darker the night, the brighter the light from the sparkling flame seems. Fiery people are also sincere and open, they are frank, bright to the point of demonstrativeness.

So, the discussion above was about three fire signs and their general manifestations.

But they must be different in some way.

Fire in nature can be different: a violent flame of a fire or tamed in the furnace firebox, the red-hot fire of the Sun or a volley of guns, when the order is given directly: “Fire!” There will be differences.

In this article we will focus on description of the characteristics of the Aries sign.

What number does the zodiac sign Aries begin with?

Months when people under the zodiac sign Aries are born, – March – April, dates range from approximately March 19 to April 20.

It is on these dates, March 19-21, that the Sun enters the sign, the very first in the zodiac circle, which symbolizes the beginning of a new astrological year.

That is why, before Peter I, the New Year was celebrated in March. Now this date is celebrated annually as International Astrologer Day.

In addition, this is the point of the spring equinox, when day is equal to night. The Earth's gravitational forces are so balanced on this day that you can place a raw egg on its blunt end on a flat surface and it will stand.

Fire Man

So, if we describe such a phenomenon as a fire, then we will find suitable words for the characteristic features of Aries.

But we must make a reservation that people with pronounced characteristics of this sign include not only Aries by birth, that is, those people whose Sun is in this sign, but also those whose sign of Aries is well expressed in the horoscope. Pronounced means that it is possible that 1, 2 or more planets are in this sign.

So, let's imagine such a physical phenomenon as a fire.

It flares up strongly and powerfully when some flammable material ignites. In the same way, Aries light up very quickly with some interesting and exciting idea and it is almost impossible to stop them while the idea is fueled by their energy. It's like adding fuel to the fire.

When the fuel runs out or, in the case of a fire, what can burn runs out, the fire quickly collapses and goes out.


But the fire has not gone away, it smolders, simmers until a certain moment. And as soon as you throw some firewood there, it will flare up with renewed vigor.

Aries, in a similar way, very quickly burn out and cool down, often without finishing what they started. And, paradoxically, the fuse goes away precisely because a new, fresh idea appears in their head. Newness always attracts them more than what the crowds have already rushed to.

Aries generally love everything unknown and unexplored by anyone.

They can easily carry other people along with them, and they themselves will go ahead of everyone. These are the trailblazers and pioneers. They act very quickly and decisively, often ahead, they do not know any workarounds.

If you bypass something, you will probably no longer be the first, and for Aries, championship is the most important thing. The fire moves in exactly the same way, rushing towards more and more objects that have not yet been engulfed in fire.

The straightforwardness and uncompromisingness of Aries is sometimes amazing.

He will break through the closed gate, not noticing that there is no fence on either side of the gate. There will be bumps, but the charge of energy is so powerful that, as a rule, Aries breaks through the gates.

He makes decisions and acts so quickly that sometimes the action itself is ahead of the thought.

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The main thing for Aries is to be the first to win, to defeat everyone; they look for kindred spirits and team up with them. And they strive to subjugate those who are alien in spirit. But the desire to defeat everyone does not always make them happy.

The ideal for Aries is to defeat all enemies, all competitors, all opposition, and indeed everyone around.

Imagine this picture: Aries has defeated everyone and stands alone above the defeated enemies - the winner. He has achieved his goal, but he is alone, he is left alone, and with whom should he compete now, he is completely alone. And Aries turns into a victim of his victory, or rather, into a sacrificial lamb. His victory is his defeat.

Aries are very greedy for news, namely sensations. What is a sensation? This is the news you will be the first to know. And here too there is a championship.

Although it has been noticed that in those moments when a representative of the Aries sign does not have time to get ahead of others, he can play a trick and exclaim:

“And I already know about it!”

“Yes, I knew about it!”

wishful thinking. And this phrase sometimes sounds so often in his speech that it inevitably raises suspicions as to whether this is so.

Aries - the name of the constellation that came to us from myths, is also a zodiac sign that is characteristic of persons born in the period from 21-03 to 20-04. This sign is the first in the horoscope. Aries people also want to be first in everything. They persistently go towards their given goal, even if they have to hit their head against a closed goal. In addition to all this, people like Aries are: capricious; selfish; brave; straightforward.

As a child, a little Aries requires a lot of attention; whatever he wants, you will certainly do. Children born under the sign of Aries are characterized by hysterics and whims. At the same time, they quickly move away from their whims. Little Aries begin to walk and talk faster than anyone else. Discipline must be instilled in such children earlier than in others, otherwise the little lamb will grow into a stubborn ram. An Aries child can be very cruel, but in his soul there is daydreaming and a vivid imagination. Such children are very gentle, although they often get angry and stomp their feet, on the other hand, they are easily vulnerable. They need to be understood and taken into account.

: March 21 – April 20

Aries is the zodiac sign born between March 21 and April 20. Element Fire, patron planet Mars, lucky color - red, aromas of this sign - rose, clove, bergamot, lemon. Any iron object will bring good luck.

Cardinal sign, ruler- Mars. The element is fire.
Lucky days- Tuesday, Sunday.
Bad days- Friday Saturday.
Season- summer.
Good places- stadiums, factories, forests, taiga.
Numbers- 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.
Color spectrum- blue, lilac, raspberry, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny ones.
Purple- unsuccessful.
Stones– ruby, amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.
Metal- steel, iron (gold).
Flowers- anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.
Symbols- ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Mascot- The Golden Fleece.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217...

Born from March 21 to March 31
- under the influence of Mars - especially courageous, aggressive natures are born,
firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to
bravado and ardent in love.
Lucky Stones: agate, amazonite,
hematite, rock crystal, serpentine, carnelian, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz,
sapphirine, carnelian, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Born from April 1 to April 11
- under the influence of the Sun - proud, generous, noble natures,
courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome
obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.
Lucky Stones: heliotrope, pearl, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx, amber.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Born from April 12 to April 20- under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender natures, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts.
Lucky Stones: diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon.
Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Characteristics of Aries

“They did not want to learn the simplest truths that a red-hot poker will inevitably burn your fingers if you grab it with your bare hands, and if you cut yourself with a knife, you will definitely bleed.”

Have you recently met an exceptionally friendly person with energetic movements, a firm handshake, a radiant smile and a willingness to immediately rush to defend justice? If yes, then you can be sure - this is Aries. He will not be afraid to get into an argument with a policeman or an armed bandit, without thinking about the consequences, although he may regret it. People under the influence of the planet Mars (and Aries are one of them) have a decisive character, are courageous, and never doubt.

But he’s not sleeping either! Like a child, Aries views the whole world only through the prism of his own interests, thinks first of all about himself and
completely incapable of understanding what makes someone uncomfortable. And then there’s his charming smile!

The disarming naivety of Aries in some way explains their fearlessness. The child is not afraid of anything until he gets burned. So is Aries.
However, the pain subsides, the fear passes, and he takes up his task again, having learned nothing. There is not a drop of cunning or guile in him. Aries is extremely trusting and remains so throughout his life. Besides, he doesn't know how to lie at all. There is nothing secretive or complex about his character. Like a child, he is often very defenseless and vulnerable. If an adult or a stronger person offends a small child or tries to take something away from him, he yells and creates such a scandal that the offender hastens to retreat. Aries do the same. They never develop strategies: selfish determination allows them to always achieve their goal.

The appearance of Aries is easily recognizable: sharply defined facial features (less often - soft and blurry), well-drawn eyebrows converging on the bridge of the nose, forming a sign reminiscent of horns, there is often a mole on the face or head, the complexion is closer to purple, the hair is slightly reddish tint. Both men and women have fairly broad shoulders, and they walk slightly bent forward, as if they are about to butt heads. Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism.

People born in March-April, despite their apparent aggressiveness, consider everyone their friends, and if they are mistaken about someone, they worry deeply in their souls, trying not to show it. But if Aries cries, it means that he was wounded in the very heart. In the company of other people, he rarely listens to what others say - what is important to him is what he himself says. Also, do not expect tact, subtle understanding and patience from Aries - apparently, they were absent when God distributed these character traits to people.

Aries are very straightforward; lies and resourcefulness are not inherent in them. But for all their honesty and frankness, they often display an almost childish
spontaneity and do not feel responsible for their actions, which sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. However, this is probably
the kindest and warmest people in the Zodiac.

Aries are desperately brave, brave, determined, not afraid of any monsters like Frankenstein, but absolutely cannot stand physical pain.
Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed as long as possible. They are prone to severe migraines (due to kidney disease),
stomach disorders, bone diseases, pain in the knee joints, cuts and burns are very common, and quite serious, but in general they have good health, you just need to watch it and abstain from alcohol. As already noted, they try not to see a doctor, sometimes for years, even if something bothers them, and they go when the illness has already become serious. And they only become smarter over the years (which happens less often). Thanks to their persistent optimism, Aries rarely suffer from protracted and chronic diseases, which, as astrology teaches and medicine confirms, more often affect melancholics and pessimists. They are more likely to be knocked down by colds with high fever, acute infections and hypertensive crises. The passion for leadership and the conviction that he will never do anything better than him lead to the fact that he drives himself to an ulcer and even to a nervous breakdown: you can’t blame him for anything but laziness.

Although Aries is selfish, he is not cruel. He has sudden outbursts of anger, but he is easy-going and unforgiving. No matter what is said in the heat of a “fight,” there is always a willingness to apologize when it “cools down.” Aries are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts and feelings, their intentions, and they have unique ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice. They can't stand gossip
too busy with themselves to spend time on others, their behavior, secret plans and affairs. Therefore, they divide all people into friends and enemies; they have only two colors - black and white, no halftones.

Despite the excessive straightforwardness that shocks many people, Aries, if he wants, can be a model of secular behavior. He can talk for hours in a fascinatingly interesting way about things about which he has only a superficial understanding, and he does not like to dwell on the details - let someone more prepared do this. Aries will not waste time on trifles, since he does not care about the past or tomorrow: he is only interested in today, or rather the present moment, and the rest does not concern him. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles. In addition, he is an incorrigible optimist in everything - from love to the upcoming baseball match. Being under the auspices of Mars, Aries are generally incapable of admitting defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in the pursuit of success. And if they want, they can be calm, reasonable and serious, but this usually comes to them with age. They rarely succeed in politics - this field of activity is not for them. They show themselves best in business and creative work; balanced Aries are often good organizers.

Aries' metal is iron, which gives him inflexibility and enormous vitality.

Aries man

What is it like in love, in family?

If you are the woman who craves thrills, surprises, and constant celebration, then Aries is your ideal. But if you need a life partner on whom you can rely, with whom you can feel like you’re behind a “stone wall,” then, alas, this is the wrong message. The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another: one minute he is the embodiment of passion, and the next minute he is like ice. If he gets offended by you or loses interest in you, you will immediately feel it, and the whole affair will have to start all over again.

Impatient, brave and self-confident, loves to be the leader, can sometimes be very generous and sympathetic, but also impatient, selfish and demanding if his wishes are not fulfilled immediately. They mature and mature later; they usually look younger than their age.

When Aries is in love, he believes that he has been visited by the greatest love in the world, equal only to Romeo's feeling for Juliet. He is full of poetry, enthusiasm, tenderness, passion and gives himself to his beloved so much that she has nothing more to desire. There are Aries whose behavior is outwardly calmer, but do not doubt that inside they are all boiling with an excess of feelings. If the romance unexpectedly collapsed, he will also passionately try to glue the fragments together and save the situation in every possible way. But when everything is hopeless, he goes in search of a new Juliet in full confidence that his “great love” is yet to come. If you are truly in love, you remain faithful to your chosen one and do not try to look to the left. His honesty and idealism will never allow him to cheat on you. And how is this possible: he loves to the point of insanity. However, if his beloved does not support the illusion that she is a fairy-tale princess, she may lose him. Aries loves freedom and, if he wants, he can come home late two evenings in a row, but don’t try to yell at him - marriage is not a prison for him, and his wife is not a prison guard.

Aries are great owners and extremely jealous. Therefore, even a careless glance thrown by a wife or lover at another man, not to mention real betrayal, can lead to trouble. They put their loved one on a pedestal and pray to her, but don't let him know that you don't like it. When someone hurts his ego, he will come running to you for consolation and support, since behind his external self-confidence and even some aggressiveness lies an inferiority complex, which he will never admit. If you inadvertently offend him, he may say angry and sarcastic words to you that can break your heart if you do not understand him. On the other hand, he is easy-going, the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel and is always ready to help you. Aries appreciates your appearance and abilities, but expects the same from you. He is not stingy, loves to give gifts, but does not tolerate his wife controlling his expenses: this is his money, he earned it and has the right to spend it at his own discretion. And in general, he is the boss at home, although he does not like his wife to do only housework and embroidering napkins. He needs an intellectual life partner - so get out as best you can.

Aries is a wonderful father. While the children are small, he treats them like a loving, devoted nanny. When they begin to grow up, he discovers a tendency to command them and tries to direct their future in the direction he wants. Here it is necessary to remind him that children need independence just as much as he does. Otherwise, Aries loves to play with children, tell them about animals, birds and insects, take boys to football, and girls to an ice cream parlour. Everything will be fine, unless he suspects that the children mean more to his wife than he does. Then he can cool down somewhat towards his offspring. But an intelligent woman will never give her Aries husband a reason for such suspicions.

Aries woman

When Byron wrote that for a man love is only part of his life, but for a woman love is her whole life, he clearly forgot about the Aries Woman. Although she thinks that love is everything to her, Aries is so absorbed in what is happening inside her and in the world around her that this is unlikely to be the case. Of all the women of the Zodiac, they are the only ones who can get along most easily without men. But she also has her own ideal, which she dreams of, but none of the representatives of the opposite sex who actually surround her live up to it, because she believes that she can handle everything herself better than any of them, and certainly faster.

Aries prefers to be the leader in love and usually makes the proposal herself when she deems it necessary. At the same time, a man who remains indifferent to her charms intrigues her, and then she does everything possible and impossible to become desirable. In this regard, Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Margaret Mitchell's famous novel Gone with the Wind, is the embodiment of all the qualities inherent in Aries women. Like Scarlett, she is always surrounded by a bunch of admirers, while her heart reaches out to the only unavailable man; like Scarlett, she does not whine when she has to adapt to new life circumstances. Scarlett was never more “Mars-like” than when she, hungry, was left completely alone, without anyone’s support and, clenching her fists, exclaimed: “I will survive all this, I I will cheat and steal, but I swear to God, I will never go hungry again!" And when, much later, all her dreams collapsed, the child died, and her loved one left her forever, this typical Aries said to herself: "I will still find a way to return him - because there is always tomorrow ahead! "

March-April women love to be admired, but do not overdo it. They are extremely devoted lovers and wives when they know they are loved, but do not tolerate being bossed around by men. In addition, like Aries men, they are very jealous, so instead of a secretary, it is better to get yourself a male secretary.

Aries demands complete freedom for herself both before and after marriage, but she is too decent to love two men at the same time. If she fell in love with someone else, and her former love has faded away, she will definitely admit it honestly.

Aries women are ambitious and strive to make a career for themselves, and they usually succeed in any field of activity no worse than men. If the husband is suddenly left without work, they are ready to temporarily take on all the worries of supporting the family, but in principle they do not respect men,
earning less than them. At the same time, they are quite feminine and carefully monitor their appearance.

Like good mothers, they make sure that their children are always healthy, washed, cleanly dressed and happy, but she will not rush to the child at the first cry and does not try to take care of him too much. Such a mother will teach her children strict discipline and strives to raise them to be independent people. However, her children will not lack affection and love, and she will always find time to tell them a good story before bed.


When Aries becomes a boss, he cannot tolerate quitters and hacks. If he notices that someone is idle, he will immediately give him a good verbal beating, but if he apologizes and promises to continue to work conscientiously, he will be forgiven and will have the opportunity to prove it. When working under the supervision of an Aries, be prepared to stay late, and sometimes come to work on Sunday. But he will turn a blind eye if you are late for work, return half an hour later than your lunch break, or ask for time off for your grandmother’s funeral (to go to a football match), although he would probably let you go if you told the truth. As for bonuses and salary increases, Aries is not stingy, but in return expects his subordinates to give up all personal matters if something important or unexpected requires this for the company.

The Aries leader appreciates and respects initiative employees with a creative streak, but do not try to outshine him, you will not be forgiven for this. Despite his outward self-confidence, he deeply needs the approval and support of his employees, his wife, and even passers-by; can be terribly happy when someone recognizes his merits, and, on the contrary, can become despondent if he finds out that the staff does not approve of his leadership methods and generally underestimates his abilities. Despite his independent character, the Aries boss counts on the loyalty of the team and is ready to pay him the same. So be attentive to him, and he will reward you a hundredfold.


By hiring an Aries as an employee, the manager is either making a very smart move or a big mistake - it all depends on how he plans to use this explosive, uncontrollable creature. If an Aries subordinate is entrusted with monotonous work from here to now, he will soon get bored and begin to shirk. If you give him the opportunity to show his organizational skills and initiative and some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is. And even if he comes to work 2 hours later than others, he will not look at his watch at the end of the working day and, if necessary, will remain alone in the institution until the night cleaning lady arrives. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you shouldn’t disturb him. Despite his disdain for little things, he will do his job to perfection - otherwise it would be contrary to his nature. Money plays a secondary role as an incentive. Of course, they are not averse to getting what they deserve, but recognition and success are more important to them. When their abilities and achievements are recognized and appreciated, they work without sparing effort. Therefore, an astute manager will do the right thing if he promotes such a subordinate to a position, allows him to work independently, or even makes him his deputy. If you don’t give Aries the opportunity to work creatively, invent and implement something, he will still be of no use.


Famous people born between March 21 and April 20:
Bismarck, Vicent Van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Pulitzer, Simone Signoret, Arturo Toscanini, Charles Chaplin, Leopold Stokowski, Peter Ustinov, Nikita Khrushchev, E. Gogoleva, I. Kozlovsky, Yu. German.

Compatibility horoscope: Aries zodiac sign lucky number - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

According to numerology, the lucky numbers for Aries are 4, 7 and 9. The sign of Aries is represented by the curved horns of a ram, although some astrologers believe that these are the nose and eyebrows, symbolizing the bright individuality of the Aries person. This image is also considered a symbol of human hidden abilities and knowledge that have not yet been identified.

Aries lucky numbers

The luckiest numbers for Aries, if you follow astrology, are six and seven. These numbers can be used in different combinations to achieve success, and then luck will definitely accompany you and will not turn away from you.

At the same time, the most successful day for Aries is Thursday. It is on such a day that it is better to start a new project or go on a trip.

This number is favorable in that it gives significance to ideas and helps turn plans into reality. This number itself is hardworking. Therefore, it will never leave Aries without work; on the contrary, it helps them quickly climb the career ladder. Also, on the fourth day of any month, Aries is blessed with success in material terms. Perhaps you will receive a bonus or learn about a good inheritance that you have received.

On the seventh of any month, you can delve deeper into research on various topics that interest or fascinate you. On this day it is best to make new acquaintances, because this number loves a good environment. Therefore, it will definitely help you meet worthy people who can become good and reliable friends for you in the future.

Astrologers also claim that the favorable number for Aries is 9 (and all numbers that are divisible by 9). The number 9 has the same meaning for Aries as the number 4.

The main conditions for a comfortable life for Aries

1. The need to constantly do something, not sit in one place.

2. Refusal of established norms, conservatism and traditions - Aries love everything new and strive for improvement and development.

3. Pursuit. It is difficult for Aries to exist without him, because he is used to paving the way, not seeing any obstacles, often thoughtlessly. That is why this sign may realize its mistakes already too late.

It is not surprising that these are the people who will achieve success faster than anyone else, however, due to an insufficiently thorough approach to business, they may not last long in a successful state. Often, victory comes very easily to Aries, and therefore, Aries may think that they will win any business from the very beginning of its implementation.

In love, Aries is dominated by passion and hot feelings. Aries knows that if he wants, he will win a partner by any method. Aries are temperamental and will give their partner a sea of ​​bright feelings and emotions.

Is a long-term relationship possible for such an emotional sign? Yes, but when the feelings began in school or student years, when it is not possible to completely win a partner and this process stretches out for years, due to which the feelings only intensify.

The most important years in the life of any Aries are seven and nineteen years, thirty and forty-two, forty-three years. Huge material rewards, meeting “your person” and, also, blows of fate are possible here. During these years, Aries collects all their energy and strives to direct it somewhere, while fate can either encourage them in this, or, exactly the opposite.

The Aries motto is the phrase “I act.” Aries is under the guidance of the planet Mars and such a phenomenon as fire. As for good and bad places and numbers in the life of Aries, they are like this.

The numbers that bring them success are considered to be 4, 7, 9 and 11 (and if you are an Aries, and you buy, for example, a lottery ticket, lucky numbers will very likely be 7, 12 and 17 for you), and lucky numbers places are stadiums, factories, as well as forests and taiga rich in clean air. In which, according to the recommendations of astrologers, Aries should visit as often as possible in order to find their luck and not miss a lucky chance. The days on which the most likely combination of circumstances is favorable for Aries are Tuesday and Sunday.

Stones, metal, flowers, symbols, colors, talisman and Aries temperament

Aries's temperament is choleric and fiery: they are easily flammable and quite stubborn. The talisman of Aries, as you know, is a fleece, and not just a simple one, but one made of precious metal - gold. Flowers that suit Aries are violet, anemone, cornflower, and sweet pea.

The color scheme that is useful for Aries to adhere to in clothing, as well as in the interior and other things surrounding them, is preferably in blue, crimson, lilac, red and orange colors. Also, according to astrologers, all brilliant colors bring good luck to Aries. But it is better to avoid purple color, as it is considered unlucky. The symbols of Aries are the deer, the ram, green or red-yellow squares, the metal that brings good luck is steel and gold, and the stones are aquamarine, sapphire, amethyst, emerald, heliotrope and moonstone.

Aries character

By nature, Aries has a rather warlike character. Therefore, Aries, as a rule, are energetic, confident, even sometimes overly self-confident, active and purposeful people. It happens that Aries, striving for dominance and control, are too active, which is why they become aggressive and provoke conflicts with others who do not always agree with their position.

At the same time, Aries, who sometimes know how to restrain themselves, reason and look at many things rationally, listening to the opinions of other authoritative people, can achieve quite a lot and become successful people in some field of activity.

Professions that suit Aries

In fact, Aries, with their determination and activity, can realize themselves in many areas of activity. In particular, among them are organizational positions; Aries can make a good military leader, and even a statesman.

Aries are often attracted to medicine, in particular surgery, resuscitation and dentistry. In general, Aries realize themselves well in professions that involve risk and danger. Many Aries also become successful in creative fields, including acting and sports. As for the latter, Aries are usually most attracted to extreme and active sports. Aries also feel confident in scientific activities.

Aries career and work

As for the work itself, as mentioned above, many more Aries are attracted to positions in which they can manage someone. It is worth noting that, as a rule, they do this quite well. Being subordinates, they often feel uncomfortable; in general, most Aries do not like being controlled. And work is no exception to this rule!

Aries who are subordinate especially do not like it when comments are made to them. Many Aries are willing to work subordinately only if their work and efforts are rewarded. Moreover, first of all, in moral terms. Aries’ money, if it is not encouraged and respected, will not be able to keep them in any prestigious job.

But Aries themselves, who are in leadership positions, as a rule, are not stingy and initiative employees, like himself, who are active, hardworking and do not accept hack work, will reward them, including financially, quite generously. Stinginess is usually not inherent in Aries bosses!

Aries in business

Aries realize themselves well in business. Because they know how to make money. In particular, knowing who to start collaborating with for this, and how to discover a financial vein that in the future can significantly improve their financial situation.

But the fact is that Aries are often risky, which is why they can make rash investments. They are also attracted to gambling, auctions and the like. But this is where Aries may not find success due to rash decisions. So in order for Aries to become successful in business, it is very important that they do not take rash risks and do not get involved in too risky activities and adventures.

Aries Health

As is known, Mars has a great influence on the health of Aries. Aries' weak spot is the head. Therefore, they need to be as careful as possible and protect this place from injury and shock, since there is a high risk of serious consequences. Also, many Aries experience concussions and surgical interventions related to the head and face during their lives.

To improve well-being and remove toxins from the body, Aries need to visit the sauna at least occasionally, as well as exercise. But it is undesirable to stay in the sun for a long time and use herbs such as rosemary for various purposes.

Which zodiac signs are Aries compatible with?

The most compatible, according to astrologers, both in communication and in love, are Aries with Sagittarius and Leo. But many Aries and Capricorns have trouble finding contact.

Aries zodiac sign lucky number

Lucky days– Tuesday, Sunday.

Bad days- Friday Saturday.

Season- summer.

Good places– stadiums, factories, forests, taiga.

Numbers– 4, 7, 9 (all divisible by 9), 11.

Color spectrum– blue, lilac, raspberry, bright red, carmine, orange and all shiny ones.

Purple– unsuccessful.

Stones– ruby, amethyst, heliotrope, lunar, aquamarine, sapphire, emerald.

Metal– steel, iron (gold).

Flowers– anemone, violet, cornflower, sweet pea.

Symbols– ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.

Mascot- The Golden Fleece.

Lucky numbers in the lottery– 7, 12, 17 and their combinations 71217.

– under the influence of Mars – especially courageous, aggressive natures are born,

firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to

bravado and ardent in love.

Lucky Stones: agate, amazonite,

hematite, rock crystal, serpentine, carnelian, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz,

sapphirine, carnelian, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.

Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

- under the influence of the Sun - proud, generous, noble natures,

courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome

obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.

Lucky Stones: heliotrope, pearl, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx, amber.

Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Lucky Stones: diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon.

Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Characteristics of Aries

completely incapable of understanding what makes someone uncomfortable. And then there’s his charming smile!

However, the pain subsides, the fear passes, and he takes up his task again, having learned nothing. There is not a drop of cunning or guile in him. Aries is extremely trusting and remains so throughout his life. Besides, he doesn't know how to lie at all. There is nothing secretive or complex about his character. Like a child, he is often very defenseless and vulnerable. If an adult or a stronger person offends a small child or tries to take something away from him, he yells and creates such a scandal that the offender hastens to retreat. Aries do the same. They never develop strategies: selfish determination allows them to always achieve their goal.

spontaneity and do not feel responsible for their actions, which sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences. However, this is probably

the kindest and warmest people in the Zodiac.

Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed as long as possible. They are prone to severe migraines (due to kidney disease),

stomach disorders, bone diseases, pain in the knee joints, cuts and burns are very common, and quite serious, but in general they have good health, you just need to watch it and abstain from alcohol. As already noted, they try not to see a doctor, sometimes for years, even if something bothers them, and they go when the illness has already become serious. And they only become smarter over the years (which happens less often). Thanks to their persistent optimism, Aries rarely suffer from protracted and chronic diseases, which, as astrology teaches and medicine confirms, more often affect melancholics and pessimists. They are more likely to be knocked down by colds with high fever, acute infections and hypertensive crises. The passion for leadership and the conviction that he will never do anything better than him lead to the fact that he drives himself to an ulcer and even to a nervous breakdown: you can’t blame him for anything but laziness.

too busy with themselves to spend time on others, their behavior, secret plans and affairs. Therefore, they divide all people into friends and enemies, they have only two colors - black and white, no halftones.

Aries man

Aries woman

earning less than them. At the same time, they are quite feminine and carefully monitor their appearance.



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Aries. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac.

Among the ancient Greeks, the myths associated with the zodiac sign Aries are very close to the Thessalian legend of Jason and the Golden Fleece. The golden-horned ram, a gift from the god Hermes, helped Phrixus and his sister Helle, the children of King Athamas, whom their stepmother planned to destroy. When the ram rushed through the air over the sea, Gella became frightened and fell into the raging waves. Phrixus managed to escape - the ram carried him to Colchis, where the child was raised by Eet, the son of the god Helios. Aries was sacrificed to Zeus, and his golden skin was hung in the sacred grove of the god of war Ares (Mars). The fleece was guarded by a terrible dragon, who never closed his eyes. The descendants of Athamas, the father of Phrixus, including Jason, knew that the salvation and well-being of their family depended on the possession of this relic, and they wanted to get it at any cost.

They say that anemones are called anemones because they owe their appearance to a creature of easy windy behavior - Adonis.

Adonis, a young man of incomparable beauty and charm, became fascinated by two goddesses at the same time: the goddess of the underworld, Persephone, and the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. And therefore he spent part of the year in the kingdom of the dead with Persephone, and part of the year on earth with Aphrodite. The goddess Artemis, the protector of chastity, learned about this and sent a wild boar to Adonis while hunting. According to legend, Aphrodite wept bitterly over her defeated loved one, and anemones sprouted from her tears.

This is how the legend explains the mythical appearance of two different flowers from the buttercup family - anemone and adonis.

It has been proven that a bouquet of white anemones not only pleases the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on the eyes. Just look at white blooming anemones for ten minutes, and eye fatigue will go away imperceptibly

In ancient times, a wreath of sweet peas was considered a symbol of fertility and was an important element of folk rituals.

According to one legend, violets appeared from Adam’s tears of gratitude when he was on the island of Ceylon, where the Archangel Gabriel brought him the news of the forgiveness of the sins of the first man.

One day the sky reproached the cornfield for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers send me fragrance and color, forests send mysterious whispers, and only you do not express gratitude, although it is no one else, but it is I who fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen.” “I am grateful to you,” answered Niva. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don't know how to express my gratitude any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.” “Okay,” the sky agreed, “if you can’t come up to me, then I’ll come down to you.” A miracle instantly happened: magnificent blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky, grew among the ears of corn. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bend towards the messengers of the sky - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.

The ancient Slavs had a legend about a girl whose brown hair was often decorated with a hawthorn wreath. She had a betrothed; and from day to day matchmakers were expected in the house. Unfortunately, a visiting foreigner fell passionately in love with the beauty in love. One day he tracked down a girl and wanted to take possession of her by force. However, not wanting to break the oath given to her beloved, the beauty chose death. Since then, the hawthorn has become a symbol of virginity and chastity, and young Russian girls began to be called “hawthorns” or “young ladies” in honor of their proud sister.

She is generous, generous, loves to party. However, such breadth often irritates those around her who expect specific help from her.

Maples are extraordinary individuals. They are always cheerful, full of energy, and do not know fatigue. Being naturally restrained and even slightly indecisive, Maples are nevertheless capable of making very risky decisions, which are based more on a keen interest in life than on any material motives. Representatives of this sign cannot be called homebodies. Sociable Maples are happy to make new acquaintances. Representatives of this sign defend new ideas that are interesting to them with great enthusiasm, but rarely take on their own projects. An insightful, clear mind coexists in their nature with intuition and a developed imagination. Maples are a little cynical.

Part 3 – Aries. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

Lucky Numbers of Zodiac Signs

Each Zodiac Sign has its own personal number that attracts good luck. By surrounding yourself with lucky numbers, you can achieve success, attract financial wealth, health and happy love.

Many people believe in the luck that numbers bring. They associate all important events with a certain number in order to achieve maximum success. But not everyone knows that at birth the Universe awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the Zodiac Sign. You can increase your luck with the help of numerology, which knows the secret of how to attract money, luck and love using individual calculations.

Lucky Numbers for Each Zodiac Sign

When drawing up a horoscope, numbers from one to nine are used - they are the ones who determine the future fate of a person. Each Zodiac Sign has its own personal numbers, which give it a positive aura and successful moments in life. You can find out the full characteristics of a certain number using a numerological interpretation. By timing important events on dates that coincide with your lucky number, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Number 1. The unit symbolizes individuality, determination, and leadership. Numbers give a person unlimited opportunities to achieve their goals. People under her protection are characterized by independence: they are not used to relying on chance and achieve everything through their own efforts. Number 1 dominates Pisces and Aquarius, giving representatives of these Zodiac Signs self-confidence, the ability to defend their point of view, positivity and determination.

Number 2. Two helps to reveal diplomatic abilities, talents, and high spiritual qualities. Truly kind and sympathetic people are born under the auspices of the number 2 - peacemakers who are able to resolve any dispute, resolve a conflict, smooth out sharp quarrels, without resorting to cruelty and violence. People who were destined to be born under the influence of this number achieve their personal happiness through communication. Thanks to innate goodwill Cancer, Libra and Taurus easily gain people's favor.

Number 3. Legends were made about the power of this number back in ancient times. Even in Orthodoxy, three plays an important role: it’s not for nothing that we say almost all prayers three times. This is a symbol of holiness, faith, creation. Those born with this code undoubtedly achieve heights in any area of ​​life. They are accompanied by success and good luck, and any difficulties only strengthen their character. Their achievements are the key to highly developed intuition and creative thinking. Zodiac signs favored by three are: Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini. And in combination with other numbers, the number 3 helps Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Number 4. The number four symbolizes boundless intelligence, loyalty, observation, perseverance, and independence. The lords of number 4 can be trusted unconditionally; they will undoubtedly lend you a helping hand. These are strong and independent individuals who can handle any problem. They value people for their spiritual qualities and know how to choose a life partner, whom they will follow through fire and water. The patronage of the four encourages people born under the constellation Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, to self-development and helping other people.

Number 5. Those born under the control of the 5 are endowed with energy, natural magnetism and great potential. Number 5 bestows Cancers and Scorpios stability, success and a desire for self-knowledge. By actively using this number in your life, you can expect success in your personal and business spheres. Five gives its owners pleasant surprises, and the possibilities of the people under its protection know no bounds. However, this number requires independence and determination: you won’t be able to dance to someone else’s tune, otherwise there is a chance of attracting misfortune into your life.

Number 6. Six characterizes longevity, youth of soul, charisma, charm and prestige among people. Those born under her patronage easily gain favor with people, which plays into their hands in gaining a high position in society. Having a large number of connections and opportunities, the owner of the number 6 achieves success faster. They are also restless individuals who feel the need to travel. Five patronizes Pisces, Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these Signs are able to adapt to circumstances and benefit for themselves. They were tasked by the Universe to create comfort and coziness around them, as well as to help people in need. Happiness will come knocking in the lives of those with a Six when they learn to accept responsibility and show kindness towards others.

Number 7. Seven bestows independence, spirituality, and analytical abilities. Its owners are removed from the influence of other people, and the power of numbers helps them achieve success at the cost of their efforts, intelligence, ingenuity and high intuition. Number 7 patronizes Aries, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Often among them there are many pioneers and scientists. Their ability to generate unconventional and ingenious ideas is reflected in society. The life of such individuals never stands still; they are almost always in the turmoil of days and adventures. A calm and rational attitude towards money helps them achieve a comfortable existence.

Number 8. The number eight has enormous energy potential and bestows Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn purposefulness, energy and philosophical thinking. People born under her auspices have a craving for vanity, fame and easy money. Oddly enough, it is precisely such individuals who are more predisposed to acquiring wealth than others. A mysterious number, which has a dual nature, rewards its owners with the opportunity to contact other worlds. Such people can find their happiness with the help of magical rituals; some of them are even endowed with psychic abilities. Practicality, resilience, leadership, initiative and a philosophical attitude towards life play an important role in achieving your goals.

Number 9. Nine has almost all the qualities of the numbers 1 to 8, but its strength can be both positive and negative. The number gives its owners intuition, sensitivity, powerful energy, and fortitude. U Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Libra there is a craving for everything unknown and unknown. And the perseverance and determination that is characteristic of them helps them achieve any heights that they can desire. The lucky number gives them a sharp mind and ability. quickly implement the idea. People who learn about their hidden capabilities in a timely manner can achieve great success in life.

Lucky numbers can help you find success - just learn to rely on them. By making a fateful decision on the day that is under the auspices of your number, you will ensure good luck in any matter. You can also try to calculate your personal life code of destiny, which will indicate what can make you more successful. be happy

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Aries is the very first sign of the Zodiac. And for good reason. He always strives to prove his superiority in everything, and his hard work can be envied.

Zodiac sign Aries

The ancient Sumerians called Aries the constellation of the ram, and the Egyptians associated it with the image of the god Amun, who was sometimes depicted as a lamb with the sun between its horns or a man with the head of a ram. Aries was revered as the giver of victories to the pharaoh (who was considered his son) and the protector of the oppressed. In Greek mythology, Aries was a ram, whom Zeus sent to save the children of the Orchomen king Atamant and the cloud goddess Nephele, Phrixus and Gella, from their stepmother Ino, who was planning to destroy them.

While the ram was taking the children to their destination (Colchis), Hella fell into the sea, and since then it has been called the Hellespont (Dardanelles). And Phrixus arrived safely, married the daughter of the local king, and sacrificed a ram to Zeus. The Thunderer placed the lamb in heaven. And his skin is the very golden fleece that the Argonauts hunted for.

  • Aries stone: diamond, ruby.
  • Aries metal: iron, steel.
  • Aries totem: ram, poppy, nettle, deer.
  • Favorable numbers for Aries: 4, 7, 9, 11, 13.
  • Ruling Planets of Aries: Mars, Sun.
  • Energy boost: late autumn - early winter, spring, blooming field of poppies.
  • Loss of energy: June - July, early autumn.

Aries Qualities

Positive qualities of Aries: enthusiasm, assertiveness in achieving goals, initiative, independence, reliability, willpower.

Negative qualities of Aries: perception of the world in black and white, intolerance, excessive straightforwardness, impulsiveness.

Love and family

Aries are very ardent lovers, but they are in no hurry to tie themselves into family ties and are less likely to marry representatives of other signs. In relationships, he always puts his own interests above all else, although he can be a faithful, devoted partner. In the family they often occupy a dominant position. Aries women choose their own partners, and men, as a rule, earn very good money to support their families.

Compatibility of Aries with other signs

  • Harmonious relationships: with Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Virgo, Taurus.
  • Difficult relationships: with Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Aries parents

  • become friends and best advisers for children;
  • find a common language with any generation; the problem of difficult children does not exist for them;
  • pay attention to the diversified development of the child.

Aries Child

  • full of energy and optimism;
  • very mobile, active, curious;
  • loves to climb ladders, trees, and overcome obstacles.

Aries likes it

  • take the initiative;
  • express your feelings openly;
  • recognition of his talents, fame.

Aries doesn't like it

  • make concessions in anything to anyone, including in the family;
  • boredom and monotony;
  • obey someone.
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