Herkmyer diamond and Campo del Cielo meteorite. Meteor field of Campo del Cielo, Argentina Talismans and Amulets

Since ancient times, pendants have been extremely popular among a large part of the earth's population. For some people it's just a decoration, but quite a large part of humanity uses pendants like a kind of talismans, amulets, and believes that they are endowed and capable of protecting their owners from everything bad, revealing hidden opportunities and helping in achieving their goals.

This article will talk about a pendant that combines two amazing stones - the Herkmayer Diamond and the Campo del Cielo, a famous meteorite.

The Herkmeyer Diamond is also called Herkimer diamond this stone belongs to the stones of the new era and is associated with the freedom of the Spirit. Many diamond owners are convinced that thanks to the diamond, they receive endless potential and the opportunity for self-improvement.

The stone itself is a crystal obtained from, which, due to its amazing brilliance and high jewelry purity, has a great resemblance to a diamond.

Medicinal properties

The Herkimer diamond is famous for its numerous medicinal properties.

It is known that diamond has the ability to restore strength, tune the owner’s brain to the desired rhythm, and has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system, and also, with the help of the energy of divine sources, it launches healing programs in the body that lead the body to complete harmony.

The Herkmeier Diamond is capable of balancing both cerebral hemispheres, due to which the creative side and the scientific (logical) side enhance each other’s qualities due to their opposites. As a result, creative thinking becomes sharper under the influence of logic and concentration, and scientific thinking, in turn, acquires a creative and intuitive approach.

Has an important influence on a person the shine of this stone. Many owners are confident that it is this that awakens their inspiration, gives them wisdom, purity of thoughts and the opportunity to find peace of mind and general balance.

Magic properties

As has already become known, a diamond helps a person find harmony in life and correct the imbalance that has arisen. This stone is considered beautiful conductor of energies and various information of the cosmic level, which allows its owners to go beyond the material world, plunging into the astral plane.

Owners of this diamond experience stalking ability and the visualization channel opens.

Talismans and Amulets

It is believed that the Herkmeyer Diamond is excellent for people who depend on the actions of others (doctors, judges, government officials, teachers).

As a talisman, this diamond helps to identify lies, bad intentions, dispel all kinds of illusions, and protects against thieves and scammers.

Moreover, this amazing stone helps couples reunite, who are separated for various reasons, and helps them jointly overcome all the obstacles that come their way.

History of the meteorite

About 6,000 years ago, a huge one fell on our land, which is considered one of the largest in the whole world. Translated, it means “Heavenly Field” and is very popular among lovers of unearthly pendants.

Medicinal properties

Based on the fact that many centuries ago it came to Earth from space, many owners believe that it collected the energy of the stars and the universe. The presence of this stone awakens the kundalini energy in a person and promotes spiritual transformation.

This meteorite is popularly considered feminine stone, which gives the weaker sex wisdom, additional emotional protection and clarity of mind.

The mystery or fact of the second moon - CAMPO DEL CIELO

Everyone knows that the Earth has a satellite. Everyone knows what it's called, "Luna". But has it always been this way? Has only one satellite always revolved around the earth? The history of the iron meteorite Campo del Cielo is a legend, or rather many similar legends and traditions left by ancient civilizations in the same period of time. Campo del Cielo is a mystery of mysteries, to which there are still no answers. Imagine that some 6-7 thousand years ago you could see two moons in the night sky above the Earth. And then... Then, probably, that same catastrophe happened, about which the legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell. The consequences of this catastrophe were - no less than - a displacement of the earth's axis by 30 degrees, tectonic shifts and... The Great Flood, the flooding of vast areas of land. So maybe it is on the plain of Campo del Cielo that the answer to the mystery of Atlantis lurks? Campro del Cielo literally means “heavenly field”. This is a flat area in the north-west of Argentina, or rather a huge crater field with an area of ​​60 square meters. km.

It was here, thanks to the indigenous Indians who spoke of “stones falling from the sky,” that in 1576 the Spanish conquistadors discovered a fragment of an iron meteorite. Subsequently, several expeditions were organized to it, the last of which took place in 1783 - then the weight of the fragment was tentatively estimated at 16 tons. The Spaniards decided to leave the meteorite in place, however, no one has seen it since then. However, the wreckage of Campo del Cielo has been found repeatedly over the centuries and continues to be found to this day. It turned out that what the Spaniards saw was just a fragment of something larger. Based on the total mass of fragments collected by 2013, the Campo del Cielo meteorite can already be called the largest meteorite on Earth - more than 100 tons of its substance have been found in history, and this is not the limit, because the territory of finds has long gone beyond the “celestial field” and currently extends from South America to Australia. And who can say how many tons of iron with minor inclusions of nickel, cobalt and phosphorus lie at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean separating these continents? The crater fields, the general “damage area”, its shape and the nature of the traces of the fall of Campo del Cielo allow us to say that it was not just a large meteorite, but an extensive meteor shower.

In 1961, professor at Columbia University (USA), the world's leading expert on meteorites, W. Cassidy, became interested in these finds. The expedition he organized discovered at Campo del Cielo a large number of small metal meteorites - hexaderites, consisting of more than 90 percent chemically pure iron. Study of other meteorites found at different times in this area reveals the same composition. According to the scientist, this proves that they are all fragments of a single celestial body. Preliminary findings from Cassidy's research have generated interest around the world. The scientist was joined by hundreds of volunteer assistants, and as a result, new fragments of meteorite iron were discovered even at a considerable distance from Campo del Cielo. The final conclusion that Cassidy came to was this: a huge meteorite fell to Earth, but not suddenly. For some time before its fall, this celestial body revolved around the Earth in an elliptical orbit, gradually approaching the planet. This rotation in orbit could last for quite a long time - a thousand years or more. However, under the influence of gravity, this second moon eventually came so close to the Earth that it crossed the so-called Roche limit, after which it entered the atmosphere and broke up into fragments of different sizes, which fell to the surface of the planet. The approximate date of the disaster was determined by radiocarbon dating - it turned out to be about 5 thousand 800 years ago. Thus, the catastrophe occurred already within the memory of mankind, in the 4th millennium BC, when ancient civilizations began to emerge, leaving behind written monuments. In them we find mythologized references to the second natural satellite of the planet and the catastrophe caused by its fall. For example, Sumerian clay tablets describe the goddess Inna as crossing the sky and emitting a frightening glow. An echo of the same events is, apparently, the ancient Greek myth of Phaeton. The luminous celestial body is mentioned in Babylonian, Egyptian, Old Scandinavian sources, and the myths of the peoples of Oceania. The English ethnologist J. Fraser notes that of the 130 Indian tribes of Central and South America, there is not a single one whose myths do not reflect this theme.

“There is nothing surprising in all this,” writes American astronomer M. Papper, “after all, metal meteorites are very clearly visible in flight. Reflecting sunlight, they sparkle much brighter than stone meteorites; its luminosity in the night sky should have been brighter than the luminosity of the Moon.” The elliptical orbit along which the bolide moved implied that at certain periods this object would pass close to the Earth. At the same time, the fireball came into contact with the upper layers of the atmosphere and became so hot that its shine was visible even in daylight.

As the object approached our planet, its luminosity increased, causing panic among the population. According to M. Papper, the orbit, which forced the fireball to either heat up upon contact with the earth's atmosphere, then move away from it and freeze again in the icy cold of space, ultimately became the reason for its destruction into pieces. Judging by the rather large area over which the fragments were scattered, the bolide broke up while still in orbit and entered the Earth’s atmosphere in the form of a string of separate fragments. The largest pieces, according to experts, fell into the Pacific Ocean, causing waves of unprecedented size that could go around the entire Earth. The legends of the Indians of the Amazon basin say that stars fell from the heavens, there was a terrible roar and roar, and everything was plunged into darkness, and then a downpour fell on the earth, which flooded the whole world. “The water rose to a great height,” says one of the Brazilian legends, “and the whole earth was immersed in water. The darkness and rain did not stop. People fled, not knowing where, where to hide; climbed the tallest trees and mountains.”

The Brazilian legend is echoed by the fifth book of the Mayan codex, Chilam Balam: “The stars fell from the sky, crossed out the sky with a trail of fire, the earth was covered with ash, rumbled, trembled and cracked, shaken by tremors. The world was collapsing." All these legends speak of a catastrophe accompanied by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. Its epicenter was clearly in the Southern Hemisphere, since the character of the myths changes as one moves north. Legends tell only about a strong flood. It was this event, apparently, that was preserved in the memory of the Sumerians and Babylonians and found its most vivid embodiment in the famous biblical myth of the Flood.

No one will explain exactly what happened in reality, there is no one left alive :) we can only guess, based on the facts in our hands...

Legend (from Middle Latin legenda “reading”, “readable”, “collection of liturgical passages for daily services”) is one of the varieties of fabulous prose folklore. A written legend about some historical events or personalities. In a figurative sense, it refers to the events of the past, covered in glory and arousing admiration, depicted in fairy tales, stories, etc.
As a rule, it contains additional religious or social pathos. Legend is an approximate synonym for the concept of myth; an epic story about what happened in time immemorial; The main characters of the story are usually heroes in the full sense of the word, often gods and other supernatural forces are directly involved in the events. Events in the legend are often exaggerated, and a lot of fiction is added.
Therefore, scientists do not consider legends to be completely reliable historical evidence, without denying, however, that most legends are based on real events. Legends are divided into religious and social.

Legends were usually oral stories, often set to music; Legends were passed down from mouth to mouth, usually by wandering storytellers. Later, many legends were written down. Since when legends were made about someone, this meant public recognition of his deeds, the word acquired an additional meaning: this is the name for events and figures (for example, “Rock Legend”) who received recognition and honor.
Myth (ancient Greek) in literature is a legend that conveys people’s ideas about the world, man’s place in it, the origin of all things, about gods and heroes. The specificity of myths appears most clearly in primitive culture, where myths are the equivalent of science, an integral system in terms of which the whole world is perceived and described. In myths, events are considered in time sequence, but in myths the specific time of the event does not matter, only the starting point for the beginning of the story is important.
Myths have served for a very long time as the most important source of historical information, making up a large part of some historical works of antiquity (for example, Herodotus and Titus Livy). Later, when such forms of social consciousness as art, literature, science, religion, political ideology and the like are isolated from mythology, they retain a number of mythological models, which are peculiarly rethought when included in new structures; the myth is experiencing its second life. Of particular interest is their transformation in literary creativity.
Since mythology masters reality in the forms of figurative storytelling, it is close in its meaning to fiction; historically, it anticipated many of the possibilities of literature and had a comprehensive influence on its early development. Naturally, literature does not part with its mythological foundations even later, which applies not only to works with mythological plot foundations, but also to realistic and naturalistic everyday life writing of the 19th and 20th centuries (suffice it to mention “The Adventures of Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens, “Nana” by Emile Zola , "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann).

At all times, people believed that the earth has a satellite - the moon, and only recently has evidence appeared that the moon is not the only natural satellite of our planet; in the myths of antiquity, one could find information about the fall of a certain cosmic body to the earth; some researchers see in this event the solution to the mystery legendary Atlantis.

In the north of Argentina there is the area of ​​Campo del Cielo - "Field of Heaven" - this name is reminiscent of an ancient Indian legend that tells how a mysterious fireball fell from the sky at this very place; old chronicles claim that the Spanish conquistadors found it on Campo - del - ate a huge piece of iron, which was used to make swords and spears.

In 1576, the Spaniard Herman Mexico de Miraval, among the swampy lowlands of the Gran Chaco, five hundred miles north of Santa Fe, came across a large block of iron, after which the enterprising Spaniard visited the block four more times for iron and beat off small fragments from it for various needs. The fifth and last expedition to the iron block was organized by Don Rubin de Celis in 1783, he estimated the mass of the object at approximately fifteen tons. A detailed description of this strange block has not been preserved, and no one else has seen it, although attempts to find it have been made repeatedly, and it is still a dream Finding a mysterious object excites the imagination of adventurers.

In 1803, in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo, a meteorite weighing about a ton was accidentally discovered; its largest fragment, weighing about 635 kilograms, was delivered to Buenos Aires in 1813, and later it was acquired by the Englishman Sir Woodbine Darish and donated this block of cosmic iron to the British Museum still rests on a pedestal in front of the entrance to the museum; part of its surface is specially polished so that one can see the structure of the metal with the so-called “Widmanstätten Figures”, indicating the extraterrestrial origin of the object; the remaining fragments of the meteorite are lost.

Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo, meteorites and strange iron fragments weighing from several kilograms to many tons still continue to be found; the largest weighed 33.4 tons; it was found in 1980 near the town of Gansedo; American meteorite researcher Robert Hug wanted to purchase this fragment in order to take it to the United States, but the Argentine authorities opposed this. Today, this meteorite is considered the second largest among all meteorites discovered on earth - after the so-called “Hoba Meteorite,” weighing about 60 tons.

The unusually large number of meteorites found in a relatively small area indicates that several thousand years ago a whole “Meteor Shower” fell over the earth; evidence of this, in addition to the Findings of the iron bodies themselves, is a large number of craters in the area of ​​Campo del Cielo " The meteorite field has the shape of an ellipse, elongated 17 kilometers along and 6 kilometers across. The largest crater is the lagoon - it has a diameter of 115 meters and a depth of more than two meters.

In 1961, an American scientist from the Columbia University of Cassidy became interested in the Legends and Findings of Campo del Cielo. As a result of his research, a large number of small metal meteorites, so-called hexaderites, consisting of almost chemically pure iron were discovered, while the scientist drew attention to a strange fact Usually, when a large meteorite explodes in the atmosphere, its fragments fall to the ground, scattering in an ellipse with a maximum diameter of about 1600 meters, and at Campo del Cielo the diameter is 17 kilometers."

The published preliminary findings of Cassidy's research caused a sensation; hundreds of volunteer assistants immediately came to him; as a result of their search, new fragments of meteorite iron were discovered even at a distance of 75 kilometers from the “heavenly field.”

The final conclusion that the Cassidy expedition came to was this: a huge meteorite did not fall to earth from near-solar orbit. Before the fall, this celestial body revolved in an elliptical near-Earth orbit, gradually approaching the earth. That is, for a long time this body was the second natural satellite of the earth!

According to this hypothesis, "Luna-2" Gradually got closer to the Earth under the Action of Earth's Gravity, Until it Crossed the so-called "Roche border" and fell apart. These fragments circulated in near-Earth orbit for some time, and then entered the atmosphere and, one by one, began to fall to the surface of the earth. Through the efforts of Cassidy, hexaderites were found even at a distance of about a thousand kilometers to the West of Campo del Cielo, in Chile.

When did this cosmic catastrophe occur? A charred tree stump found in its place - the result of a giant fire caused by a meteorite bombardment - is about 5,800 years old.

... some six to seven thousand years ago, two moons could be seen in the night sky above the earth. And then …. Then, probably, that same catastrophe happened, which the legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell about: “stars fell from the sky, crossing out the sky with a trail of fire, the earth rumbled, trembled and cracked, shaken by tremors. The world collapsed.” The consequences of this disaster were a shift of the earth's axis by 30 degrees, tectonic shifts and, possibly, the flooding of large areas of land. And maybe it is on the plain of Campo del Cielo that the answer to the mystery of Atlantis lurks?

At all times, people believed that the Earth had a satellite - the Moon. And only recently has evidence emerged that the Moon is not the only natural satellite of our planet. In ancient myths one could find information about the fall of a certain cosmic body to Earth. Some researchers see in this event a solution to the mystery of the legendary Atlantis.

In the north of Argentina there is the area of ​​Campo del Cielo - "Field of Heaven". This name is reminiscent of an ancient Indian legend, which tells how a mysterious fireball fell from the sky at this very place. Old chronicles claim that the Spanish conquistadors found a huge piece of iron at Campo del Cielo, which was used to make swords and spears.

In 1576, the Spaniard Erman Mexico de Miraval, among the swampy lowlands of the Gran Chaco, five hundred miles north of Santa Fe, came across a large block of iron. After this, the enterprising Spaniard visited the block four more times for iron and beat off small fragments from it for various needs. The fifth and last expedition to the iron block was organized by Don Rubin de Celis in 1783. He estimated the mass of the object to be approximately fifteen tons. A detailed description of this strange block has not been preserved, and no one else has seen it, although attempts to find it have been made several times, and to this day the dream of finding a mysterious object excites the imagination of adventurers.

In 1803, a meteorite weighing about a ton was accidentally discovered in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo. Its largest fragment, weighing about 635 kilograms, was delivered to Buenos Aires in 1813, and later it was acquired by the Englishman Sir Woodbine Darish and donated to the British Museum. This block of cosmic iron still rests on a pedestal in front of the museum entrance. Part of its surface is specially polished so that one can see the structure of the metal with the so-called “Widmanstätten figures”, indicating the extraterrestrial origin of the object. The remaining fragments of the meteorite have been lost.

Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo, meteorites and strange iron fragments weighing from several kilograms to many tons continue to be found. The largest weighed 33.4 tons and was named El Chaco. It was found in 1980 near the town of Gansedo. American meteorite researcher Robert Hug wanted to purchase this fragment in order to take it to the United States, but the Argentine authorities opposed this. To date, this meteorite is considered the second largest among all meteorites discovered on Earth - after the so-called “Khoba meteorite,” weighing about 60 tons.
An unusually large number of meteorites found in a relatively small area indicates that several thousand years ago a whole “meteor shower” rained down on the Earth. Evidence of this, in addition to the finds of the iron bodies themselves, is a large number of craters in the Campo del Cielo area. The “meteorite field” has the shape of an ellipse, elongated 17 kilometers along and 6 kilometers across. The largest crater is Laguna Negra: it has a diameter of 115 meters and a depth of more than two meters.

In 1961, an American scientist from Columbia University, W. Cassidy, became interested in the legends and finds of Campo del Cielo. As a result of his research, a large number of small metal meteorites, so-called hexaderites, consisting of almost chemically pure iron, were discovered. At the same time, the scientist drew attention to a strange fact: usually, when a large meteorite explodes in the atmosphere, its fragments fall to the Earth, scattering in an ellipse with a maximum diameter of about 1600 meters. And at Campo del Cielo the diameter is 17 kilometers!

The published preliminary findings of Cassidy's research caused a sensation. Hundreds of volunteer helpers immediately came to him. As a result of their searches, new fragments of meteorite iron were discovered even at a distance of 75 kilometers from the “Heavenly Field”!

The final conclusion that the Cassidy expedition came to was this: a huge meteorite did not fall to Earth from near-solar orbit. Before the fall, this celestial body revolved in an elliptical near-Earth orbit, gradually approaching the Earth. That is, for a long time this body was the second natural satellite of the Earth!

According to this hypothesis, Luna 2 gradually approached the Earth under the influence of gravity until it crossed the so-called “Roche limit” and fell apart. These fragments circulated in near-Earth orbit for some time, and then entered the atmosphere and began to fall one by one to the surface of the Earth. Through Cassidy's efforts, hexaderites were found even at a distance of about a thousand kilometers west of Campo del Cielo, in Chile.

When did this cosmic catastrophe occur? A charred tree stump found in its place - the result of a giant fire caused by a meteorite bombardment - is about 5,800 years old.

Some six to seven thousand years ago, two moons could be seen in the night sky above the Earth. And then... Then, probably, that very catastrophe happened, which the legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell about: “The stars fell from the sky, crossing out the sky with a fiery trail, the earth rumbled, trembled and cracked, shaken by tremors. The world collapsed.” The consequences of this disaster were a shift of the earth's axis by 30 degrees, tectonic shifts and, possibly, the flooding of large areas of land. And maybe it is on the plain of Campo del Cielo that the answer to the mystery of Atlantis lurks?

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