Traces of God and aliens on earth. UFO traces on the ground

Since ancient times, the mysteries of the night sky have excited the human imagination. People peer into the stars, wondering if planet Earth is the only planet that supports life.

Today, humanity is only taking its first steps to explore outer space, despite the most modern technologies. In this regard, it is very arrogant to believe that man is the only intelligent being in such a vast universe.

Over the past hundred years there has been a huge leap in the development of technology - a scientific and technological revolution has occurred. Every year science pleases with more and more new discoveries and inventions. However, historically, people lived primitively for thousands of years, and science and technology developed very slowly. But how could they erect tall towers with hammers and chisels, build the heaviest columns using only horse and human power, why was the path to the development of today's civilization so long? The question remains open, because it was physically impossible, without modern machines and technologies in those days. So who were the ancient peoples of the world, what did they know? Perhaps planet Earth was inhabited or visited by more intellectually developed creatures than humans.

The world hides a lot of mysteries and mysteries. There are many unexplained traces left on Earth that can be interpreted as visits from guests from other worlds. One of these unsolved wonders is the pyramids of Egypt.

Historians and modern science claim that the pyramids were built 2000 years ago. But many scientists are sure that their age is much older than their official age. In addition, traditional science cannot objectively explain their purpose.

Tourists are attracted like a magnet to these historical ancient sights. They delight some, terrify others, and others think about the meaning of life while looking at them. Seeing them with their own eyes, everyone asks one question: who built them and, most importantly, how. School textbooks describe and explain their construction, but any reasonable person would not believe that they were built using primitive tools by the ancient Egyptians. Therefore, many versions arise about their origin. One of the most common is that the pyramids were created by aliens many millennia ago. Having developed intelligence and capabilities, this was not difficult for them. Historians are trying to refute these theories. But the facts are not on their side at all. And on the side of a simple tourist who doubted the truth of school books.

The seven pyramids of Egypt, located along the Nile River, are so different from the rest that this difference allows us to speak about their construction by an ancient highly developed civilization, long before the first pharaohs.

For example, the Abu Rawash pyramid is located on a mountain and can be seen from space. Its interior is roofless. These buildings suggest advanced engineering with advanced technology and monumental architecture. The peoples of antiquity did not have developed science. The Abu Rawash pyramid undermines the theory that the stones were lifted to its summit by ropes. Here they would have to be dragged to the top of the mountain, which is problematic even in the 21st century. This pyramid is forgotten, it is not visited, there is no guard near it. There is a version that they decided to forget about it and not show it to tourists, because it contradicts the generally accepted theory of the construction of pyramids. The huge stones of this building show traces of machine processing. This polished and curved granite could not be carved with a simple chisel. A kind of open-air corridor leads inside the pyramid; in this corridor the stone is darkened, which indicates that it was heat-treated, or something was heated inside the corridor. Also in this pyramid you can see a hole, the stone above which was simply broken out. And it’s not clear how it was possible in those days to pull out a smooth, huge stone.

The pyramids are a huge imprint of alien civilizations left to humanity. Ideal cuts along a curve on stones baffle builders, who, even with modern tools, cannot achieve such an ideal result. If you look at the pyramid from above from the point of view of physics, it looks like a complex macro-circuit, reminiscent of a certain unit, a geocomputer with its own purpose. Perhaps the pyramids served to raise spaceships or were a base for refueling alien saucers. All this takes human understanding far beyond the modern understanding of the world, its past, present and future.

Also in Egypt, 800 km from Cairo in the middle of the desert, there is the oldest astronomical structure made of stones. It was opened in 1947 and it dates back to the 5th millennium BC. e. This is a very interesting place with stone formations and an unclear purpose, the stones of which are laid out in a circle. Astronomers who examined this building came to the conclusion that the complex served for the performance of religious rites closely related to astronomy. A remarkable detail: apparently, the buildings helped people keep track of celestial bodies. This means that ancient astronomers made great progress in their research. Is it possible that 7,000 years ago the builders of these stones had knowledge of physics and astronomy that can be compared with the information available to modern scientists?

In addition, another question arises: for what purpose did ancient people explore the constellations Orion and Sirius? So, in 1994, this mysterious observatory gained even greater significance when engineers announced a sensational discovery on the Giza plateau. The four shafts inside the Cheops pyramid were strictly oriented towards certain celestial bodies. The southern mines are connected to the belt of Orion and Sirius, and the northern ones are connected to the Polar Stars. It is not so easy to explain this miracle with engineering thought: it is one thing to build a pyramid, and another to make an accurate calculation. It was possible to prove that the three pyramids of Giza are built in exact accordance with the three stars in Orion's belt. But why was it necessary to orient these shafts and the pyramids themselves towards celestial objects? One thing is clear: the constellation in which stars are born is reproduced on earth. The ancient Egyptians themselves believed that their Gods descended from heaven and attached great importance to these legends. And their buildings most likely indicate where the alien creatures came from.

Evidence of alien visits is everywhere. In southern England there is an amazing and ancient structure, Stonehenge. Archaeologists believe that this stone monument was built about 10,000 years ago. Powerful energy lines emanate from these stones, which diverge evenly from the center. It remains a mystery how they ended up on the island. Perhaps this building served as a navigation system for alien guests.

It must be said that, among other things, there is terrible material evidence on Earth that testifies to the desire of people to be like aliens and imitate them. Thus, among the ancient Nazca people it was customary to deform their heads: to squeeze the skull from all sides, which is why it changed its natural shape. The legends and myths of this people tell that the Gods descended to them from heaven with elongated skulls. In turn, local residents tried to imitate the Gods: they placed planks around the head of a newborn so that the skull took on an elongated shape. Most likely, Nazca imitated the image of aliens. But the reason why they went to such extremes, these people took with them to their graves.

Alien creatures left their traces not only in the ancient world, but also in today's world. In the southwestern United States in the city of Roswell in the 40s, a new page was opened in the book of knowledge about the possible existence of alien creatures. This city has become the epicenter of the UFO tourist craze. Roswell has been compared to the Holy Grail of ufology. In 1947, many residents of the town witnessed a UFO falling on the private property of one of the town residents. After the fall, the owner of the territory, a local farmer, discovered some debris in his field that had scattered 500 meters. The military began to study this issue, declaring that it was an alien ship. After this news spread throughout the country, the military published a refutation of this fact in the newspapers. They claimed that it was a weather balloon and not an alien ship that fell from the sky. But witnesses claim to have seen a bright white streak that crossed the sky and fell to the ground. And not one, but three UFO crashes were observed. At a distance of 50 km from the farm, an explosion of a ship caused by a lightning strike was visible. And another 4 km away they found the bodies of aliens. In those days, this term was not used, so they were depicted as small, fragile people with large heads and slightly slanted eyes. After that incident, secret base No. 51 appeared in the United States, where UFO debris and alien bodies were delivered. This military base still exists today, but what happens there remains unknown.

Today, man is making progress in the development of nuclear and biological weapons, which pose a danger not only to all life on the planet, but also beyond its borders. There are suggestions that because of this, alien beings want to destroy or conquer humanity. And if visits to the Earth by alien creatures have been observed for millennia, for which there is plenty of evidence, then why should they now be perceived as a threat to people. Can human opportunity and ambition threaten extraterrestrial civilizations?

When conducting research in outer space, people should think about how other intelligent beings might perceive it. And if one day a person discovers life outside of planet Earth, people themselves will become aliens. No one knows how this will affect the existence of the discovered creatures. And until many questions are answered, the possibility of the existence of aliens will remain a mystery for future generations, which will have to be solved by someone.

The art of ancient civilizations can be interpreted in many directions, how to know what drove the inspiration of the ancient master. But sometimes the question is obvious, the artist clearly wanted to express the scenario: Aliens visiting Earth.

the gods looked after the inhabitants of Earth the gods looked after the inhabitants of Earth

The stone stands the serious test of time, so we have a unique opportunity to see through the eyes of our ancestors the greatest event of distant centuries - the visit of aliens to Earth.

Alien statues on the island of Nuku Hiva.

In the case of the outlandish sculptures of Nuku Hiva, we can contemplate large, almond-shaped eyes, which can be recognized as belonging to a race of aliens.

Nuku Hiva is the largest island in French Polynesia. European explorers reached the archipelago in the late 16th century, by which time the islands had been inhabited for almost 2,000 years.

The ancient culture left behind a rich collection of intriguing works of art depicting creatures with unusual heads and large eyes. The figures are terribly reminiscent of the “gray aliens” as we imagine them.

Some sculptures appear to represent hybrid creatures, displaying a combination of human and alien characteristics. From ufologists we know about two alien civilizations depicted in stone on Nuku Hiva: reptiles and gray aliens.

Anunnaki spaceships.

Myths and legendary accounts from ancient texts around the world contain numerous references to the existence of an extremely advanced alien civilization.

ancient spaceships

The Anunnaki, who visited Earth in ancient times, most likely helped primitive people build fascinating monuments that have survived for thousands of years.

Artifacts of Papua New Guinea.

In the 1960s, two brave explorers - husband and wife - were guests of a mysterious pygmy tribe in Papua New Guinea. As a sign of mutual respect, both parties exchanged gifts. The elders of the tribe gave the couple two inexplicable artifacts that the leaders could not possess in principle.

However, the intriguing artifacts speak for themselves: a bust with an elongated head, large eyes, and an appearance completely alien to Earth. Another relic was a bird - which was suspected of being an aircraft.

Very ancient artifacts were located in a place where the inhabitants had no idea of ​​the technologies for their manufacture; everything supposedly came to them from their ancestors!

The elders claimed that stone rarities are part of their tribe, passed down through a series of countless generations. The origin of the figures is simply lost against the background of the incomprehensible depths of time and the succession of tens of hundreds of generations.

So, what are the versions regarding artifacts? Must be travelers from another dimension? Or maybe again a product of human imagination? Perhaps everything is simpler, and a couple of stone idols? While no one is arguing, we will probably never know the answer.

Three-blade disk - lost technology of the ancients.

On the ground floor of the Cairo Museum there is a mysterious artifact, the purpose of which remains unknown. A circular plate with three sections curved towards the center was discovered in the tomb of Sabu, son of Pharaoh Ajib.

The find dates back more than 5,000 years and is seen by many as evidence of ancient Egypt's advanced technology. The function of the three-blade disk is completely unknown, but scientists believe the object is a decorative overlay.

However, for many it is obvious that the Sabu disc is the result of a complex technological process, so its function must be more specific than the role of decoration. Doesn't it look like a propeller?

The one-piece design is made of solid stone, and the disc is incredibly thin, even for modern technology. A symbol of faith in ancient aeronautics, which came from previous civilizations, is what adherents of the idea of ​​paleocontact see in this.

Combined with the idea that even before the ancient Egyptians, the pyramids provided electricity (as is now believed), this part of the unknown machine declares: we are not the first civilization to reach a certain technological level.

Remarkable artifacts, largely ignored by mainstream science, affirm an old truth: there is nothing new under the Sun. Why, believing that we are not alone in the Universe, ancient works of art cannot be evidence of aliens visiting Earth?

Is it impossible that ancient aliens came into contact with the local population of the Earth, influencing civilizations in one way or another? It is also quite normal that people felt they owed something to the “heavenly gods”, carving images of those who came in stone figures, preserving the memory of the event for millennia.

Conspiracy theorists who believe in aliens are generally viewed with a degree of condescension and ridicule by ordinary people. Despite this, the topic of visits from guests from outer space is quite common and, moreover, based on constantly emerging evidence from different parts of the globe, it may have more compelling reasons than just someone’s speculation. In the 60s and 70s, this topic was especially popular, with countless books, television shows, and documentaries devoted to studying the question of the existence of aliens. The American government's confirmation of the existence of Area 51, widely known as a mysterious experimental base, added fuel to the fire. From that moment on, supporters of the existence of aliens gained confidence in their guesses, and skeptics subsided.

As time passed, people studied facts and evidence about contacts with aliens, and those who were especially insightful decided to dig deeper and turn to the distant past of our planet. Well-known phenomena that accompany a typical encounter with extraterrestrial beings include the sighting of UFOs in the sky, mysterious lights, electronic malfunctions, and memory loss in particularly impressionable people. This all seems a little funny. At the same time, delving into the history of mankind can bring us much more serious evidence of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. There is a high probability that in their ancient texts our ancestors tried to convey evidence of the existence of aliens to future generations. Of course, all this seems a little far-fetched, but this does not prevent a huge number of scientists from doing research in this area.

Today we present for your consideration ten of the most interesting historical evidence, which, as many believe, proves the existence of alien civilizations. And if aliens really exist, then it turns out that they have been monitoring and contacting humanity for several millennia.

10. Pyramids of Giza

Despite the fact that we have been told all our lives that the pyramids were built by slaves, their special location forces proponents of the theory of alien contact to advance their assumptions in this regard. If we take a closer look, we can see that all the pyramids of Giza were built at the intersection of the longest lines of latitude and longitude. Given the age of the pyramids, at the time of their construction the Egyptians had a vague knowledge of the shape of the planet. How can one explain such a strange arrangement of the pyramids? Just luck or outside interference?

9. Vimanas

The ancient Indian epic, represented by the Mahabharata and Ramayana, described the great battle that took place in the skies over India. It involved combat aircraft - the so-called "vimanas", unknown creatures, nuclear bombs and explosions caused by weapons so powerful that they most likely belonged to another world. There are only two options for explaining the events described: perhaps in this way the ancient Indians tried to explain the nature of thunderstorms and storms, or what was described actually happened and was of extraterrestrial origin.

8. Sarcophagus of Pakal

The Great Pacal was a well-known ruler of the city of Palenque who reigned in the seventh century AD. After his death, according to local traditions, he was buried in the Temple of the Inscriptions in an intricate sarcophagus. This sarcophagus has become one of the main subjects of research devoted to the study of Mayan culture, in addition, it has become one of the main evidence of the existence of aliens. Many believe that Pacal is depicted in one of the paintings covering the sarcophagus, where he leaves the planet in a spaceship, controlling its progress and breathing through an oxygen tube connected to his mouth.

7. Puma Punku

The Puma Punku complex is located in the highlands of Bolivia. It includes ancient ruins and giant blocks covered in intricate carvings scattered across the ground. These ruins are more than a thousand years old, but the fact is that the tools with which it would be possible to create such drawings simply did not exist then. This fact became the main evidence of alien intervention in the affairs of earthlings.

6. Nazca Drawings

It is common knowledge that the Nazca paintings of Peru were created by people who lived there between 300 BC and 800 AD. The lines make up various images of animals and geometric shapes, but the main feature of this place is that you can only see them when you are high in the air. The question arises: who used them? The lines were drawn long before the first airplanes appeared, and in ancient Mayan times there were no semblances of flying machines. This suggests that the drawings were probably drawn for “someone” who was flying past, and perhaps served as landing marks.

5. Ancient Sumer

The inhabitants of ancient Sumer believed that they were descended from an alien race called the Annunaki, who descended to Earth from another planet in search of gold. According to one of the legends of Sumer, the Anunnaki needed help in mining gold and they created the Sumerians. Legends are legends, but it is worth thinking about what actually served as the source of inspiration for the inhabitants of Sumer.

4. Madonna with Saint Giovannino

This is perhaps one of the most famous works of art that supports the idea that aliens exist. The painting dates from the 15th century and was painted by the artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary, and behind her you can see a person looking at the sky. He looks at an object that is strikingly similar to the UFO we usually imagine. Accordingly, the question arises: did Ghirlandaio capture an extraordinary event, or at that time it was a completely ordinary occurrence.

3. Moai statues from Easter Island

The Moai statues represent 887 giant human figures topped with huge heads, guarding the coast of Easter Island. The age of the statues is 500 years, each weight reaches 14 tons, and the height is 4 meters. Given the heaviness of these objects, their amazingly detailed craftsmanship and strategic placement, their appearance at this site remains a mystery to historians. Proponents of alien intervention believe that the ancient people who created these sculptures did so with the help of aliens, or, alternatively, the statues were built by the aliens themselves, who wanted to leave their mark on Earth.

2. Stonehenge

For thousands of years, Stonehenge has tormented the minds of the world's famous historians and engineers, who have racked their brains trying to figure out how these stones came to be in their places and how the ancient people who lived during the Neolithic period 5,000 years ago knew in what order and where exactly to place them. blocks of stone so that under certain circumstances they form a perfectly straight line with the sun and moon. The wildest theories were passed on from mouth to mouth for many years, many believed that they were established by the Great Merlin, others believed that it was the work of aliens. Many supporters of alien contacts believe that the aliens helped people in the construction of this object and told them some details of astronomical phenomena so that people could better understand the nature of the phenomena occurring around them. In September 2014, researchers at the University of Birmingham discovered another example of such ancient structures. This time it was an entire underground sanctuary, serving as a place for ancient burials and for rituals.

1. Bible

The Bible is one of the oldest books in the world. And although it is mostly valued as a relic of a religious nature, scientists and researchers have tried to compare the events described in it with generally known historical facts. The book of the prophet Ezekiel describes a fiery chariot in the sky, full of light, drawn by “cherubim,” as if made of shiny metal. In addition, there are several more similar evidence pointing to UFO-like objects, which can be found in the book of Revelations, Deuteronomy, Ephesians, and also in the book of the prophet Isaiah. Were angels really an alien life form? Religious fanatics and cynics are unlikely to support this idea, but others find it quite acceptable.

Previously, there were few such materials, but recently there have been more of them. What does this actually mean? (link)

Information flows are literally everywhere. We are told that WE are not the first on Earth here, and of course not the last..

Before us (we seem to be the fifth or sixth) there were civilizations here on Earth... Something, or someone, destroyed THEM.

Scientists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that many thousands of years ago there was a nuclear war between the ancient inhabitants of the Earth, the Asuras, and space aliens, which led to an environmental disaster and a change in living conditions on our planet.

There is plenty of evidence to support this hypothesis. A lot of traces of radiation have been discovered on Earth. Mutations occur in animals and humans that cause cyclopsism (in Cyclops, the only eye is located above the bridge of the nose). From the legends of various nations you can learn about the existence of Cyclopes who fight with people.

Secondly, radiation leads to polyploidy - doubling of the chromosome set, which causes gigantism and doubling of organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth. Scientists periodically find on Earth the remains of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth.

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is mongoloidity. Although even now this race is the most widespread on Earth, previously there were much more Mongoloids - they were found in Europe, Sumeria, Egypt and even Central Africa.

Another confirmation of radioactive mutagenesis is the birth of freaks and children with atavisms (return to ancestors). Radiation leads to six-fingeredness, which occurs in Japanese survivors of the American nuclear bombing, as well as in newborns of Chernobyl.

More than a hundred craters with a diameter of 2-3 kilometers have been found on Earth, among which there are two huge ones: in South America (diameter - 40 km) and in South Africa (diameter - 120 km). If they had been formed in the Paleozoic era (350 million years ago), then nothing would have remained of them long ago, since the thickness of the upper layer of the Earth increases by about a meter every hundred years. And the funnels are still intact. This suggests that the nuclear attack occurred 25-35 thousand years ago. Taking 100 craters for 3 km, we find that 5000 Mt of bombs were exploded during the war with the Asuras.

These facts confirm that there was a nuclear war.

The fire burned “for three days and three nights” (as the Mayan Codex of Rio says) and resulted in nuclear rain - where the bombs did not fall, radiation fell. Another terrible phenomenon caused by radiation is light burns of the body. They are explained by the fact that the shock wave propagates not only along the ground, but also upward. Reaching the stratosphere, it destroys the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet light is known to burn unprotected areas of the skin. Nuclear explosions resulted in a significant decrease in pressure and poisoning of the gas composition of the atmosphere, killing the survivors.

The asuras tried to escape death in their underground cities, but rainstorms and earthquakes destroyed the shelters and drove the inhabitants back to the surface of the earth. Previously, scientists believed that the “pipes” that operate in our time, going from caves to the surface of the earth, are of natural origin. In fact, they are made with laser weapons to smoke out the asuras who have taken refuge in the dungeons. These “pipes” have a regular rounded shape, which is unusual for sinkholes of natural origin (there are many of them in the caves of the Perm region, including in the vicinity of the city of Kungur).

Now it is clear why tunnels thousands of kilometers long, found in Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, the Caucasus, in the Sahara and Gobi deserts, in North and South America, are dug throughout the entire planet.

Perhaps lasers were used for more than just smoking out asuras. As soon as the laser beam reached the molten underground layer, the magma erupted, forming artificial volcanoes over time.

Those who remained in the dungeon gradually lost their sight (everyone knows the epic about Svyatogor, whose father lived in the dungeon and did not come to the surface because he was blind). The descendants of the asuras decreased in size to dwarfs, about which there are many legends. Short creatures have survived to this day, and have not only black, but also white skin (the Menehets of Guinea, the Dopa and Hama peoples, a little more than a meter tall, living in Tibet).

Near Sterlitamak (a city in Bashkiria) there are two dunes made of mineral substances. These are probably two tombs of asuras; There are a lot of similar graves on Earth. But some asuras have survived to this day. In the 70s, the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena received reports of encounters with giants the size of a 40-story building. The steps of these titans were accompanied by a strong roar, and their feet sank deep into the ground.

As for life underground, it is possible. According to geologists, there is more water underground than in the entire World Ocean; underground seas, lakes and rivers have been discovered there. Scientists have suggested that the waters of the World Ocean are connected with underground waters, and not only the water cycle occurs between them, but also the exchange of biological species. For the underground biosphere to be self-sufficient, there must be plants that produce oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide. But photosynthesis, it turns out, can occur in complete darkness, it is enough just to pass a weak electric current of a certain frequency through the ground. In places where heat reaches the Earth's surface, forms of thermal life have been discovered that do not require light. Perhaps they can be both unicellular and multicellular, and even reach a high level of development.

The appearance of dinosaurs on Earth (for example, the Loch Ness monster) suggests that creatures living underground sometimes come to the surface to “graze.” Many floating creatures from the times of the Asur biosphere may have found salvation underground. Reports of dinosaurs appearing in oceans, seas and lakes are evidence of creatures penetrating from the underground that have found refuge there.

According to the Vedas, the asuras were large and strong, but they were destroyed by gullibility and simplicity. The gods, with the help of deception, defeated the asuras and drove them underground and to the bottom of the oceans.

Pyramids scattered throughout the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India) indicate that the culture was united, and earthlings had no reason to fight among themselves. Those whom the Vedas call gods appeared from the sky, these are aliens from outer space, and the nuclear conflict was most likely cosmic.

All this is (partially) described in the ancient ancient Indian epic Mahabharata

MAHABHARATA - The Great War (Epic Poem of India) - audiobook ( 10 hours)

Briefly - Erich Von Däniken

You can, of course, “climb into a tank” and sit in it; such sitters are a dime a dozen today. But it’s still worth at least looking at the pictures below...

Traces of Ancient Nuclear War.

The rock melted due to terrible temperatures.

Video on the topic:

Ancient cities lost in nuclear war

NASA specialists and French scientists several years ago published the results of a very interesting study of the earth's surface. They discovered more than a hundred crater craters on our planet that are clearly of artificial origin.

The diameter of the craters is on average 2-3 km, but there are also real giants - up to 120 km. Scientists suggest that all these craters were formed thousands and even millions of years ago as a result of the fall of meteorites of various sizes. At the same time, independent researchers around the world concluded that the craters were formed as a result of a powerful nuclear war that took place 25,000 years ago. What is such a bold hypothesis based on?

Let's figure it out.

It is clear that many of the largest craters on Earth have been known to scientists for a long time. What's interesting about the NASA study is not these rare giants, but their smaller cousins, the funnels, which are roughly the same size and have a similar artificial structure. This artificial structure was apparently formed by the fall of something massive. Such craters were even given a general name - “impact craters.”

There are a lot of such craters, as you already understand, and they are scattered all over the Earth. Their source remains a mystery, but, of course, the most likely and obvious version is a meteor shower or simply scattered meteorites that fell on our planet in different historical periods. Scientists date most of the known craters millions of years BC and have no doubt that they are of meteorite origin. This is understandable; within the framework of official science and history, another version simply cannot exist. However, researchers from unofficial science note some oddities that indirectly confirm the theory of ancient nuclear war.

In fact, there are only two significant arguments. First, all craters are located in completely deserted, uninhabited areas. In short, in deserts in which there is no life at all. But a desert does not have to form at the site of a meteorite fall. More precisely, it is never formed. But at the site of a nuclear strike, this is an inevitable pattern. The second argument: if the craters were really that old, then they would have long been washed away from the face of the earth, covered with sand and other sedimentary rocks. Archaeologists have long calculated that, on average, soil grows at a rate of 1 meter per hundred years, and our craters should have been leveled with the surface long ago. And they are perfectly preserved, as if they were formed quite recently.

The figure of 25,000 years was taken, as stated in some sources, based on an analysis of the walls of one of the largest craters in South Africa, measuring 120 km. It was not possible to find out which crater is meant. Somewhere it is indicated that 120 km is the diameter, and somewhere it is said that this is the depth. All information on this matter is rather dubious and unconfirmed. However, it fits well with the theory of growth of the surface layer of the Earth - over 25 thousand years, the craters should have reduced their depth by only 250 meters.

It must be admitted that the theory of scientists, like the theory of enthusiasts, cannot be proven, and both of them have every right to exist. It is fair to note that neither the assessment of the ages of the craters nor the assessment of their origin has any indisputable evidence on either side. In fact, there is simply no evidence that the craters are of meteorite origin. This is only the only obvious version that can be offered within the framework of official science. In addition, it may well be that scientists and independent researchers are right at the same time - some of these craters (for example, the largest ones) could actually have been formed millions of years ago as a result of collisions with meteorites, and some smaller ones could be the result of nuclear strikes.

Myths and legends

As another indirect argument, amateurs cite numerous myths and legends of the peoples of the world that exist in a variety of cultures and describe something very similar to nuclear war and nuclear explosions.

- For example, the Indian epic - Mahabharata describes that people escaped from attacks underground, and quite accurately reproduces the appearance of a nuclear explosion:

“...the only projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A glittering column of smoke and a flame as bright as a thousand suns rose in all its splendor...a perpendicular explosion with its billowing clouds of smoke...a cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding circular circles like the opening of giant beach umbrellas..."

The pygmies in Africa have a legend about “a great fire from the sky,” and the Vedas describe a war between the asuras - the inhabitants of the earth - and the gods who appeared from the sky. The earthlings-asuras were let down by their gullibility - the gods deceived them, destroyed their cities and forced them to seek refuge underground.

In addition, many peoples of those countries where there are giant deserts have legends about ancient flourishing cities that once existed on these dead lands. For example, the Chinese have a legend that an advanced civilization once lived in the Gobi Desert. The Hindus have a legend about numerous cities that once existed in the Great Indian Desert called "Thar". The famous Sumer and Babylon are also buried today under layers of sand. In the Egyptian deserts, scientists still find signs of long-gone civilizations. And so all over the world.

There are two archaeological pieces of evidence that enthusiastic researchers cite as evidence of nuclear war. One such evidence is the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, excavated in the 20th century in the Indus Valley.

Official science dates them back to 2600 BC. A huge number of rumors and speculations have arisen around these two (by the way, well-preserved) cities, which are now almost impossible to confirm. Enthusiasts claim that the cities became victims of nuclear attacks - the remains of people were found scattered right on the city streets, without any obvious damage. Where the rest of the people went and why the city became deserted remains unclear.

It is also stated that the remains were found to have increased background radiation, and the city was mainly destroyed in the center, while its outskirts suffered less damage. Allegedly, this is a sign that there was an epicenter of a nuclear explosion. Melted pieces of glass and clay were also found there, as well as fused walls turned almost into glass. The temperature for such a “fusion” can only be provided by a nuclear explosion.

Unfortunately, none of these facts can now be confirmed, much less trace their source. Scientists put forward many counterarguments and claim that things were not at all like that - there is no radiation, the buildings are well preserved, and the bodies belong to different eras and were in burials formed on the site of streets that were there in more ancient times. And the so-called “glass alloys” were simply a dump of broken pots, which were made from clay and glass by firing in ovens.

Another, more reliable evidence was offered by Russian researchers who made an expedition to Peru and Bolivia in 2007. Based on the results of this trip, the film “Losers of the War” was made from the series “Forbidden Topics in History.” The ruins of ancient settlements discovered in South America indeed look as if they had to survive a powerful explosion. Compared to them, Mohenjo-daro looks almost untouched. The authors of the film claim that this is evidence of the legendary “war of the gods”, which is mentioned in myths.

Finally, it is worth noting that throughout the globe, gigantic smooth tunnels of artificial origin with smooth walls melted like glass are found underground.

Researchers claim that these underground tunnels and cities were built precisely during a nuclear war, from which people fled in such bomb shelters. Entire underground cities have been excavated in Turkey.

Derinkuyu is one of the most famous underground cities. This is truly a full-fledged city with numerous buildings, going deep underground for more than 20 floors. And this city is far from the only one. Scientists are racking their brains: why and who needed to live underground? What made people give up sunlight? The conclusion suggests itself: apparently, it was impossible to live on the surface of the Earth at that time. Either there was a powerful war, and the attack was carried out from above, or there was a global flood, or both. But followers of the nuclear war version claim that it was a nuclear catastrophe that led to a shift of the planet’s poles and a global flood, as a result of which the legendary Atlantis sank.

Who fought?

Finally, the most mysterious and important question: if a nuclear war really took place, then who fought with whom? On this matter, again, there are two fundamental versions.

The first says that different races of people fought among themselves.

The second - more unusual - advocates an alien invasion. And she has certain arguments.

First, again, an epic that describes “winged gods,” “lightning from heaven,” and flying machines. Secondly, there are traces of the presence of aliens on Earth in ancient times - numerous artifacts, figurines, images and legends about the origin of different peoples - depict mysterious creatures with strange bodies, unusually shaped heads, scales, etc. However, it remains unclear why the aliens needed to bomb the Earth, where they came from and where they disappeared after the victorious war.

Is there material evidence of aliens visiting planet Earth? There are a huge number of them. Traces of aliens can be found everywhere. These include rock paintings, mysterious architectural structures, various figurines, and other unexplained finds. There is even a special science called " paleovisit". Its main task is to collect evidence that humanoids regularly appeared and are appearing on the blue planet.

As for the learned minds, they are in disarray. There seems to be a huge amount of evidence of paleovisits, but at the same time there is no direct evidence. Therefore, no one undertakes to categorically assert that guests from outer space once set foot on the earth’s surface. Now, if you could touch the spaceship with your hands or communicate with a humanoid, then all doubts would immediately disappear. But so far nothing like this has been observed.

The most progressive-minded people refer to ancient tales, traditions and the Bible. In these sources, many texts directly point to astronauts from other worlds. The same can be said about the alien spaceport on the Nazca plateau, about the grandiose statues on Easter Island, about the surprisingly similar pyramids in America and Africa.

However, there are many pedants living in the world. They are skeptics by nature and therefore claim that all the heroes from ancient legends are very similar to people. They have the same virtues and vices. But there is nothing that is radically different from human traits and characters. But alien entities must have a completely different mentality, logic and way of thinking. And all the finds are very similar to the work of human hands, but not alien ones.

In the end, the skeptics asked the enthusiasts: “What are you actually looking for? After all, before looking for any traces, you need to have at least an approximate idea of ​​​​the objects you are looking for. Otherwise, it turns out that you are looking for something that you yourself are not you know."

But enthusiasts do not give up to this day. They found the mysterious Salsburg parallelepiped, a piece of steel wire in the Earth's strata dating back to the Stone Age, and even an iron nail that turned out to be in the distant Cretaceous period. Skeptics are taken by the hand and led to the rock paintings. And they clearly show creatures in spacesuits and with antennas. Various objects are also depicted, reminiscent in their outlines of modern artificial satellites. And in the bowels of the earth an aluminum hatchet was found, the age of which is estimated at several million years.

And the skeptics turned the hatchet in their hands and asked: “Did the aliens hunt mammoths with this hatchet, or maybe they cut down their hut from cedar?” Well, what can you answer for those who do not want to see the obvious.

The best traces of aliens are an artifact or text that is completely different from what exists on Earth. Here is an example of a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation among the Australian Aborigines since time immemorial.

Once upon a time, several men and women walked through the desert. They were looking for water and food. In the distance they saw a tall white tree. One of the men went to him, while the others remained waiting. Approaching the tree, the man suddenly fell to the ground. A black creature appeared from the hollow of the tree. Huge red eyes were clearly visible on his head.

The creature grabbed the lying traveler and dragged him into the hollow. Then there was a deafening clap of thunder, although the sky was clear. The white tree acquired fiery wings, rose above the ground and soared into the sky. Gradually the tree disappeared, and instead of it there were only sparkling lights that burned in the sky for a long time, but then faded and disappeared.

Is this legend describing the take-off of a spaceship? It can be assumed that the white tree is nothing more than a rocket. The black creature is a humanoid with red eyes. Earthly albinos also have red eyes.

Now let's pay attention to how the rocket launch is described. She rises into the sky and disappears. Only red lights remain, which gradually fade. The point here is that when a spaceship takes off and disappears from sight, people continue to observe the fiery traces left by it for a long time. The savages could not know about this nuance. Therefore, they couldn’t even imagine it, but they saw everything with their own eyes.

Also of interest is one unusual find discovered at the end of the last century. An excavator was digging the ground and lifted a flattened ball to the surface from an 8-meter depth. Its dimensions were 9 by 9 cm. Externally, the ball resembled smoky glass. The excavator operator tried to break it by hitting the bucket with force. But the material turned out to be extremely durable. There wasn't even a scratch left on it.

The find was transferred to the local museum, and from there it went to paleovisitation specialists. They x-rayed the ball and found out that there was a hidden container inside. Measurements of angular and linear dimensions were also made. From all this, experts concluded that the designer, in the manufacture of this design, used not a decimal, but a twenty-four number system. But such a system on Earth has never been used by any of the ancient cultures, let alone modern ones. When they began to determine the density of the artifact, the calculations showed a number with a minus sign. It turned out that it was antimatter.

They explored the place where the ball was found and found out that the age of the rocks is 10 million years. Therefore, people could not do anything like that. But nature could not create such a thing either. There is only one conclusion left: the mysterious artifact was made by aliens. But what it was made for and what functions it performed remained unclear.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Without any doubt, we find traces of aliens in legends and myths. From them it is clear that aliens visited Earth more than once. However, there is no direct evidence. And therefore, in any debate, skeptics will prevail. We can only wait for direct evidence and direct contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence..

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